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3 Pluviôse Year 2 (22 Jan.1794): France faces not only foreign invasion but also a ferocious civil war

Decree from Representatives on Mission from Paris to residents of Ville Affranchie--or Liberated City, as Lyon was renamed after the crushing of counterrevolution--and environs:

"In order to ensure the happiness of the people there with the triumph of the Republic," the decree orders them to collect saltpeter--an essential component of gunpowder--& materials related to its production


Signs of the times in the decree of 3 Pluviôse 2/22 January 1794:

The heading Liberté Égalité is typical of the radical phase of the

The vignette Vaincre ou Mourir--Vanquish or Die-- vs. more common Liberty or Death, reflects the civil war situation

The decree was produced at the Republican Printing House, plaza of the Temple of Reason. One from December gave the address as Plaza of the former Saint John [cathedral], reflecting the turn to radical dechristianization


The lead signatory of the decree for Ville-Affranchie was the chameleonic Joseph Fouché

The erstwhile seminarian became an increasingly radical revolutionary who, as representative on mission, was responsible for some of the bloodiest repression, which earned the condemnation of Robespierre. After helping to topple Robespierre, he served as Police Minister under Directory, Consulate, & Empire, switched sides several times in 1814-15, ultimately serving the monarchy



Jim Wald

Finally, re: Fouché, a little connection between the & for my @Histodons

The public knows of the surrender of (1738-1805) at but probably not of his later career in & . He also served as plenipotentiary to France during the negotiations for the Peace of Amiens (1802).

Fouché here expresses his regret that Cornwallis's health prevents him from accepting a social invitation but hopes that his son & others can attend
