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Mi'kmaw elder, activist, historian and author Daniel Paul has died. He was 84. Paul advocated for renaming landmarks named after Edward Cornwallis. The British governor of Nova Scotia issued a proclamation offering a bounty for Mi'kmaw men, women and children in 1749, the same year he established Halifax. As part of #reconciliation we should rename these landmarks with Mi'kmaq language names. #indigenous #mikmaki #novascotia #cornwallis cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia

Continued thread

Finally, re: Fouché, a little connection between the & for my @Histodons

The public knows of the surrender of (1738-1805) at but probably not of his later career in & . He also served as plenipotentiary to France during the negotiations for the Peace of Amiens (1802).

Fouché here expresses his regret that Cornwallis's health prevents him from accepting a social invitation but hopes that his son & others can attend
