#MonotremeMonday :
Liebig Chromos trade card series 1359, MAMMIFÈRES BIZARRES: 6)L’0rnithorhynque ( #Platypus ), 1937
7.1 x 11cm
#MonotremeMonday :
Liebig Chromos trade card series 1359, MAMMIFÈRES BIZARRES: 6)L’0rnithorhynque ( #Platypus ), 1937
7.1 x 11cm
#MonotremeMonday classic:
Plate LXIV Monotremata
Johnson’s Household Book of Nature, 1880
“Porcupine Anteater” = #Echidna
“Duck Mole” = #Platypus
via Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/122829#page/1036/mode/1up
#Echidna #petroglyph, 90cm
from the 'Echidna and Fish' site at West Head in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, NSW, Australia
via Australian Museum: https://australian.museum/learn/cultures/atsi-collection/australian-archaeology/indigenous-rock-engraving-of-an-echidna/
For #MonotremeMonday, two #echidnas from the National Gallery of Victoria collection:
1. Lena Djamarayku (Rembarrnga, NT, b. c.1948)
Echidna, 1998
earth pigments on Paperbark (Melaleuca sp.), wood & pandanus (Pandanus sp.) fibre, echidna quills
2. Yvonne Koolmatrie (Ngarrindjeri, SA, b. 1944)
Echidna, 1999
sedge (Carex sp.), echidna quills
Ngarrbek, The #Echidna, 1948
Unidentified First Nations artist, Kunbarllanjnja (Oenpelli), Northern Territory, Australia
earth pigments on Stringybark (Eucalyptus sp.), 26.3 × 51.4 cm
National Gallery of Victoria O.10-1956: https://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/explore/collection/work/2107/
#FirstNationsArt #AboriginalArt #IndigenousArt
Just in time for #MonotremeMonday, an update to the #Monotremes (#Platypus & #Echidna) Historical #SciArt Image Bank - many new finds added! https://arthistoryanimalia.com/monotremes-platypus-echidna-historical-sciart-image-bank/
#MarsupialMonday + #MonotremeMonday pair:
James E Bourhill (British, fl.1880-1887)
1. Red #Kangaroo, 1885
oil on canvas 22½ x 31 in
2. Duck-Billed #Platypus, 1886
oil on canvas 22¼ x 30½ in
#monotremes #marsupials #AustralianAnimals
Ainslie Roberts (Australian, 1911-1993)
The Dancing #Echidna, n.d.
Oil on board, 75 x 75 cm
#MonotremeMonday :
Kordelia Zansui Chi (Australian, b. 1967)
#Echidna, 1996
hand-colored linocut, 15 x 15 cm
Something cute and fun for #MonotremeMonday featuring my favorite animal on the planet:
Chris Orr (English, b. 1943)
#Platypus on Holiday, 1967
Watercolor on paper, 10 x 15 cm (3¾ x 5¾ in.)
A #platypus picture for #MonotremeMonday: Pl. XIII in Animaux venimeux et venins, 1922, via BHL: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12749943#page/867/
These images along with a few other recent finds have also just been added to the Monotremes Historical SciArt Image Bank on the website:
#MonotremeMonday: Some pages from an 1814 collection of Bullock's Museum pictures of a #Platypus specimen by an unknown English artist.
See them all via State Library NSW:
"William Bullock was a 19th c. naturalist & antiquarian who established a museum of curiosities in the late 1790s…in 1812 he moved his collections to the newly built Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, which became the London Museum."
@webuiltthiscity Saw and thought of you:
#MammalMonday #MarsupialMonday #MonotremeMonday mashup:
"Scene in #Tasmania, with Characteristic Mammalia": #Thylacines, #Bandicoots, #Wombats, and an #Echidna!
Pl.XI in Alfred Russel Wallace's The Geographical Distribution of Animals Vol. 1, 1876; illustration by Johann Baptist Zwecker.
#biogeography #zoology #naturalhistoryart #sciart #bookart
#MammalMonday #MarsupialMonday #MonotremeMonday mashup:
"Scene in #Tasmania, with Characteristic Mammalia": #Thylacines, #Bandicoots, #Wombats, and an #Echidna!
Pl.XI in Alfred Russel Wallace's The Geographical Distribution of Animals Vol. 1, 1876; illustration by Johann Baptist Zwecker.
For #MonotremeMonday: fully updated #monotremes image bank with several new images added of #platypus & #echidna historical #sciart:
@art_history_animalia I wish every day could be #monotrememonday
Plate LXIV Monotremata
Johnson’s Household Book of Nature, 1880
“Porcupine Anteater” = #Echidna & “Duck Mole” = #Platypus
via BHL: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/122829#page/1036/mode/1up