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#Portugal De 16 a 22/Dez prevê-se precipitação a partir de meio da semana e nas regiões a norte do sistema Montejunto-Estrela. Formação de geada/neblina/nevoeiro e acentuado arrefecimento noturno. TMáx 6 a 20°C. TMín -4 e 13°C 👉 tinyurl.com/33dup2fu
(info via IPMA)

Costly U.S. health care system could take lessons from #Portugal | STAT statnews.com/2024/12/10/us-hea “Central to its success is a network of #PrimaryHealth care clinics embedded in neighborhoods, working alongside regional #publichealth units. Data flow freely between them to track illnesses and unmet health needs, said Gustavo Tato Borges, president of Portugal’s National Association of Public Health Doctors. (1/10)

STAT · Spending less, living longer: What the U.S. can learn from Portugal’s innovative health systemInstead of spending money on gleaming new hospitals and expensive drug therapies, Portugal focuses on old fashioned primary care and public health

#Portugal #Meteo ESTADO DO MAR: Costa Ocidental: Ondas de noroeste com 1 metro. Temp da água do mar: 15/17ºC Costa Sul: Ondas de sueste inferiores a 1 metro. Temp da água do mar: 17/18ºC Costa Ocidental: Ondas de noroeste com 1 metro. Temp da água do mar: 15/17ºC Costa Sul: Ondas inferiores a 1 metro. Temp da água do mar: 17/18ºC (from IPMA) #sailing #sail