„Waiting for summer“ (2025)
Photo Dietmar Bachmann
From the series „Swimming pools in wintertime“.
Hasselblad X2D 100C
Hasselblad XCD 2,5/55V
Mythenquai, Zurich, Switzerland
„Waiting for summer“ (2025)
Photo Dietmar Bachmann
From the series „Swimming pools in wintertime“.
Hasselblad X2D 100C
Hasselblad XCD 2,5/55V
Mythenquai, Zurich, Switzerland
Und übrigens: Am Montag, 31. März, ist Heft-Vernissage in #Zürich. Mit Bewegtbild und Ton und «Rebel-Songs» von DJ Markus Punky Kenner. (Am 22. April gibts dann eine weitere Veranstaltung im Palace, St. Gallen)
Saufen, Fixen, Revolution: Die Roten Steine waren Teil der autonomen #Jugendbewegung der siebziger Jahre.
@p_anz und @sterndaniel erzählen ihre in Vergessenheit geratene Geschichte im neuen «wobei»-Magazin: https://www.woz.ch/wobei/25-2?mtm_campaign=mstdn
Foto: Räumung am Hegibachplatz, #Zürich 1974.
„Look good on me?“ (2013)
Photo Dietmar Bachmann
Nikon D4
Nikkor 85mm ƒ/1.4
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich, Schweiz
Belgrad ist überall (sogar in #Zürich): Stimmen und Einschätzungen aus der Diaspora.
(+ Rodžer Kepel ist nicht erfreut)
Nachtzüge von Rheinland-Pfalz in europäische Metropolen
#Amsterdam #Bahn #Basel #Berlin #Brüssel #DeutscheBahn #Europa #Koblenz #Lüttich #Mainz #Nachtzug #RheinlandPfalz #Utrecht #Wien #Zürich #ÖBB
https://www.europesays.com/1920303/ Une équipe zurichoise de cricket avant tout composée de réfugiés afghans qualifiée pour le Championnat d’Europe – rts.ch #AutresCantons #ChampionnatsD'Europe #cricket #école #Nachrichten #Nouvelles #refugie #schweiz #Sport #Suisse #switzerland #Zurich
While the app suggested to change in Thalwil, I opted for a little detour. Means I get on the same IR75 earlier and I avoided the advertisment-screen-polluted IR35 in favour of the IC3.
#Zürich HB, #Switzerland
#SBB #TrainTravel #Re460
@ascentale @pete @bikenite #BikeNite A5: There seem quite some small cargobike manufacturers in #Zurich: https://flinccycles.com/ and https://monopole.cc/ (although their bikes are assembled in France) come to my mind as I like both designs.
For recumbents there is https://www.wolfundwolf.ch/ near Basel and Fateba (https://longbike.ch/) in Winterthur, all within an hour of car or train travel. I have a Fateba from the late 90s.
https://portus-cycles.de/ manufactures steel frames ca. 100km away.
A screenshot from the #ZurichHB webcam footage this morning: #SBB #Re420 Re4/4 11109, in #SwissExpress #Cremeschnitte livery, is pulling the colourful consist of #Euronight #Canopus from #Prague
away from the platform and to the yard. The train also conveys #ÖBB
#nightjet through cars from Berlin
Right now, #Thorvaldsdottir #Muhly with McVinnie and #Bjarnason from #Zurich https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/thorvaldsdottir_muhly_with_mcvinnie_and_bjarnason_from_zurich/86298/ #wch
In 20 minutes, #Thorvaldsdottir #Muhly with McVinnie and #Bjarnason from #Zurich https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/thorvaldsdottir_muhly_with_mcvinnie_and_bjarnason_from_zurich/86298/ #wch
I'm loving the 'will it/won't it germinate' thing at the moment. So I have a greenhouse which I can just about keep above freezing (it's not too cold in #Jersey) with a single tube heater that goes on a bit in cold weather, and a massive grow lamp.
These also definitely help the germination.
But I also work overseas (in #Zurich in fact) and get home 1 weekend in 2 normally. So that means I get the fortnightly surprise of what-the-fuck-is-going-on twice a month!