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#Libraries that measure #downloads of subscribed content will find that "downloads are concentrated in fewer journals… Demand concentration implies that libraries do not need to maintain access rights to all journals" either through #subscriptions or through #ReadAndPublish ("transformative") agreements.

liberquarterly.eu Determinants of Downloads as Demand for Hybrid Journals: Rationale for bundling services | LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries

Finnish #libraries are fed up.

"#Publishers are demanding increasingly higher fees for reading scientific journals & #OpenAccess publishing, even though the scientific community can't sustain even the current costs. The expenses have risen to a level that doesn't correspond to the benefits received from the services…The consortium is prepared that if the goals are not achieved…not all current scientific journal agreements can be continued."

FinELibCosts of scientific journals have reached unsustainable level – The future of subscriptions in jeopardy - FinELibThe FinELib consortium demands reasonable costs for scholarly journals and open publishing.

New study: "The more money that a #library aims to save through significant [#journal] #cancellations, and thus the fewer #subscriptions a library plans to retain after these cancellations, the greater the value of their post-cancellation access rights."

PS: But still a scandal that libraries that once paid for subscription access should have to pay again after cancellation for continuing access to the volumes covered by their subscription. Can't happen w/ #OA journals!

Three Oregon universities decided not to renew their Elsevier subscriptions at the end of 2022.

"Students & faculty may experience delays in having access to requested Elsevier articles, said [U of Oregon University Librarian & Vice Provost Alicia Salaz]. 'In the long term however, we are confident that students…& scholars everywhere will benefit from a system that doesn't exploit academic labor for excessive profit,' she said."

Daily EmeraldPressing ‘pause’ on Elsevier subscriptionUO pauses its Elsevier subscription journal package and stands up for open access research alongside other universities.