ChatGPT-5: The Next Leap in AI – What We Know So Far
#chatgpt #openai #Ai #blogs

ChatGPT-5: The Next Leap in AI – What We Know So Far
#chatgpt #openai #Ai #blogs
c't-Webinar: Produktiver Einsatz von Sprach-KI
Das Webinar erklärt, wie Sie Sprachmodelle effizient einsetzen, typische Fehler vermeiden und rechtliche Aspekte wie Datenschutz sowie Urheberrecht umsetzen.
OpenAI and Google ask for a government exemption to train their AI models on copyrighted material
KIs plappern #Putin- #Propaganda nach.
#ChatGPT und andere #KI -Bots fallen auf Putins-Propaganda herein und verbreiten diese weiter. Grund dafür ist eine groß angelegte Manipulation durch ein russisches Propagandanetzwerk.
We've reached the stage where the code we've written to help us write more code has refused to write more code.
#ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #openai #claude #perplexity #llm #llms #cursor
Client: I asked #ChatGPT to recommend a host for my website.
Robin: FacePalm
The UK government embracing AI? I’m sorry, that’s nonsense and I can prove it
Chris Stokel-Walker
My freedom of information request revealed the inane use of #ChatGPT by the tech secretary. Is this the future? I hope not #UKpolitics #ChatJaiPété #CatIFarted #technology #AI
#PeterKyle should #resign
Here is my presentation from our institutional AI day entitled:
"The Dark Side of AI"
A government directed by ChatGPT?
Something of which they have little knowledge (other than it seems to produce the right words), no control over the sources/data/slgorithms... What do we have to loose?
Statt Gemini auf Android: ChatGPT-Beta lässt sich als Standard-Assistent nutzen #chatgpt #openai #android
#AI #Search Has A Citation Problem
"We Compared Eight AI #SearchEngines. They’re All Bad at Citing #News."
¿Sería posible que los medios dejaran de darle publicidad gratuita a esta gente? #SamAltman no tiene ninguna credibilidad como lector de #literatura, y además está tratando de vender su producto.
(Y el supuesto #cuento que generó su software es malo. Una serie de palabras promedio en una estructura promedio. No se dejen engañar. Por favor.)
#IA #ChatGPT #capitalismo #OpenAI #desinformación #estupidez #oligarquía
Welp, #appleintelligence in the new #iPhone #iOS update has completely bollixed the dictation and #Siri on the phone. The #AI is completely mistaking commands for queries, even offering #ChatGPT to figure out what I am saying. #Apple needs to realize that if non-technical people get a bad impression of their system, they will turn it off and never turned it on again. Why I keep on turning it on, I don't know. In any case, I am turning it off, again.
This is going to create more disinfo problems, for sure.
#ai #chatgpt #copilot #searchengines #fakenews #disinfo #hallucinations #DeepSeek #tech #llm #llms
AI coding assistant refuses to write code, tells user to learn programming instead - On Saturday, a developer using Cursor AI for a racing game project hit an ... - #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aipaternalism #stackoverflow #programming #airefusals #aicoding #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #cursor #github #tech #ai
New Scientist has used freedom of information laws to obtain the ChatGPT records of Peter Kyle, the UK's technology secretary, in what is believed to be a world-first use of such legislationFrom
These records show that Kyle asked ChatGPT to explain why the UK’s small and medium business (SMB) community has been so slow to adopt AI. ChatGPT returned a 10-point list of problems hindering adoption, including sections on “Limited Awareness and Understanding”, “Regulatory and Ethical Concerns” and “Lack of Government or Institutional Support”.Apparently it didn't say "because it's unhelpful and probably harmful to most SMB problems" or "what on earth are you doing asking a computer this you fool?".
Imagine being a Government minister and asking a mindless machine a question like "why aren't Small to Medium businesses taking up AI?"
Because Peter, they haven't found a business use for it, that's why. It's a toy looking for a serious purpose outside of Fascism
These are not serious people, and they do not understand the technological world they have been voted in to regulate. The Tech Bros will just dangle shiny things in front of these unserious politicians and there goes our Future.
"Oh Chat GPT, which podcasts should I go on? I could ask a human being with a mind, but instead I'll ask Fancy Autocorrect for the most likely answer that I want to hear"
A recent study by the Tow Center for Digital Journalism has revealed alarming inconsistencies and inaccuracies in AI search tools, challenging their growing popularity as replacements for traditional search engines.