Today, Wednesday March 15
at 9am is the hearing in the #California #Assembly #Elections #Committee for
**AB 83**, The
**Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act**.
This is the first moment on AB 83's path where we can #call #in to a legislative hearing and say "There should be no foreign money in California Elections."
It's called a "me too".
**Every Californian can do it**.
AB 83 is the second item on the agenda.
The dial in number and instructions to get in to the virtual line to
state your name and your city and that you are in support of AB 83, The Get Foreign Money Out Of California Elections Act
will be posted here
an hour before the meeting.
Many of those giving "me too's" at tomorrow's hearing will be from the 70+ organizations supporting AB 83.
Feel free to say identify as #MOVI, because you are. MOVI has no membership requirement other than a dedication to democracy and self-governance. Everyone at MOVI is a volunteer.
#MoneyOutVotersIn #GetForeignMoneyOutOfPolitics
This bill would expand the prohibitions of the #Political #Reform Act of 1974 to include #contributions, #expenditures, or independent expenditures made by a #foreign-#influenced #business #entity, as defined, in connection with an election or ballot measure.
The bill would require a business entity that makes a contribution, expenditure, or independent expenditure to file with the filing officer and the applicable candidate or committee a statement of certification, signed by the entity's chief executive officer under penalty of perjury, avowing that the entity was not a foreign-influenced business entity on the date the contribution, expenditure, or independent expenditure was made