Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to our first A.I. symposium! We had an wonderful experience discussing the ethics and skepticism regarding generative A.I. We hope to see you at similar events in the future!
Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to our first A.I. symposium! We had an wonderful experience discussing the ethics and skepticism regarding generative A.I. We hope to see you at similar events in the future!
Come watch the symposium tomorrow on our live stream at 8:30 AM EST! We'll be challenging preconceived notions of A.I. and discussing it's role in student-centered teaching methods. The link and more details are provided below.
On 2nd April 2025, #CommonWeal, #Glasgow #Caledonian #University, and #Heriot-Watt University will be holding a #symposium on developing #sustainable #rural #district #heating systems in #Scotland ... online and in person at Heriot-Watt’s Borders Campus, #Galashiels.
Es ist wieder soweit: Das #Symposium der AFG Akutpflege #Nursing Data 2025 findet unter dem Motto „You are smarter than your data” am 25.06.2025 in #Luzern statt.
Das Programm rund um #Routinedaten ind er #Pflege findet sich hier:
Der Call for Poster ist ab jetzt offen:
Zur Anmeldung geht es hier:
Wir freuen uns auf den 25.06.2025 in Luzern!
Bitte gerne teilen!
@nursingresearch @cathblatter
#CallForParticipation "The Most Documented War: Enacting Archives"
International #Symposium | May 22-24, 2025 in #Lviv, #Ukraine | in collaboration with #CenterForUrbanHistoryLviv #INDEXLviv und #DocumentingUkraine
Deadline: February 25, 2025
Visual Grammar of Designed Truth in #OSINT .. The #symposium will highlight the ongoing visual transformation of OSINT practices. @berenice
Anywhere near Jacksonville, FL? I'll be a part of a Creative Nonfiction Symposium hosted by the University of North Florida Feb. 5th and 6th. In my case this prove you can "DIY or Die!" your way into university events. Come on out! #writing #nonfiction #symposium #jacksonville #florida
Also CA #landscape #symposium is coming soon. In the past the #plantscience symposium are free for students
Call for papers
The 3rd #MigrantLife #symposium is happening 25-26 June 2025 in St Andrews. Submit on #migration, #fertility, #family, #employment, #education, #housing, #ageing, #mortality, #health, #longitudinal studies, and #lifecourse analysis.
Please submit using the form below:
I'm on the TU Eindhoven campus today to present our IJCAI 2023 work at the inaugural symposium of the Special Interest Group for Algorithms in the Netherlands ( Looking forward to a day of networking and learning!
Archaeoethnologica: Wine Cultures, Gandhāra & beyond Culturas do Vino, Gandhāra e Além - Livro
+INFO in:
Archaeoethnologica: Wine Cultures, Gandhāra & beyond Culturas do Vino, Gandhāra e Além - Livro
+INFO in:
Archaeoethnologica: Wine Cultures, Gandhāra & beyond Culturas do Vino, Gandhāra e Além - Livro
+INFO in:
Archaeoethnologica: Wine Cultures, Gandhāra & beyond Culturas do Vino, Gandhāra e Além - Livro
+INFO in:
Rückblick auf Projektpräsentation und Informationsangebot zum Handschriftenportal beim diesjährigen Bibliotheca Baltica Symposium (17./18. Oktober, Nationalbibliothek in Warschau). Danke für den Austausch und die Möglichkeit zur Vernetzung mit Kolleg:innen aus Bibliotheken der Ostseeregion!
Weitere Infos zu Bibliotheca Baltica
15. Blaubeurener Symposium „Handschriften und Alte Drucke“ des @bibverband vom 13.–15. November 2024 in der Katholischen Akademie, Fulda
13. November, 17:30 Uhr, Neues von den Verbunderschließungssystemen.
Dr. Robert Giel (@stabi_berlin): #Handschriftenportal.
Programm & Anmeldung
This weekend, we were guests at the 3rd Momoyo Okura Memorial #Symposium at the University of Mainz. Many thanks to Dr. Sonja Wengoborski, Prof. Masako Sato and Prof. Gerhard Lauer for the invitation! We look forward to the book series and thank the Okura Yoko Project 360 for their support!
5. #Symposium der #Medienwissenschaften im März 2025 in der Villa Vigoni (Italien). Die DFG lädt zu Themenvorschlägen & Ausrichtung der Tagung ein, die der fachlichen Reflexion und transdisziplinären Vernetzung dienen soll. Bewerbungen bis 16. Dezember. Einzelheiten:
The #symposium "#Literature, Prizeworthiness, and Kinship Across Borders" will be hosted by the Excellence Cluster "Temporal Communities" (#EXC2020) in Berlin on November 25-27, 2024.
Further Information + Program: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #LiteratureGender #LiteraturePublishing
Das "#Literaturwissenschaftliche #Symposium: Aggressive #Ästhetik – ästhetische Aggression: Probleme des #Satirischen" wird vom 26. bis 28. September 2024 in Schloss Rauischholzhausen stattfinden.
Weitere Informationen: #avldigitalnews #Genre #LiteratureGenre #Poetics #Aesthetics #Satire @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies