One of the things that bug me about #scifi #guns from the #1990s was this weird thing under the barrel mostly made of wood.
#fallout 1 had it for its 10mm pistol, it was in the #comic #hardboiled and it shows up in #xcom on a #laser #pistol
Its everywhere in #90s #popculture but I dont see the point of this.
Does anyone know what it is or what it does? Is it just decoration?
Meant to be a laser pointer, most likely. They're available for guns in real life.
I'm curious how a bullet fired from the revolver-type cylinder is supposed to travel to exit out the higher-up barrel.
@GOBI I thought that too, but it looks like actual wood handles.
The gun is so busy its actually pretty funny, and the closer I look the less it makes sense lol
I have no idea who started this, but they are everywhere.
@9Wind "modern compact weapons (FN P90, H&K G11, Glock in general) were given final form during The '80s, when boxy, plasticky shapes & textures were the norm […]
used in videogames, since boxy shapes have a lower polygon count […] used in kid-friendly shows to avoid having realistic firearms […] '80s brings to mind […] cyberpunk
props that are actually fired on-screen are by necessity real world guns put in plastic shells. This might […] explain the origins"
@9Wind If it flapped (around the hole), it'd be like the KARD pistol.
"To provide inertia, a weight is installed at the front of the weapon with a bolt actuator. The weight, which tilts downwards during recoil, provides the same functionality of inertia of a slide on conventional pistols."
Prototype. Couldn't find recoil footage.
Eh, just a grip.
Stationary as fired in comic. Never 2-hand.