Excellent piece in @washingtonpost 's #Made by History by Chuck Holden, Zach Messitte and Jerald Podair. The playbook of hard Right grifters has clearly not changed since the 1970s--they have just convinced other Republicans to support them. Hopefully, Trump, unlike Agnew, will serve time for his crimes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2023/04/10/there-is-precedent-trumps-indictment-spiro-agnew/
@ProfChrisAdams If it feels like there's a disconnect between how the GOP handled the #TrumpIndictment compared to how it handled and Spiro Agnew's indictment, its because there was a concerted effort to get to this point. It is a matter of public record that Roger Ailes worked in the Nixon administration and wanted to create a media environment that would shield future presidents from the accountability that Nixon was held to.