historians.social is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Historians.social is open to all who are interested in history.

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Russell Phillips

I've been interested in the since I was a child, and I've been playing for over thirty years. This year, I finally combined the two when I released Setting Europe Ablaze, by sourcebook for RPG campaigns featuring SOE agents.

It's a military setting without strict rank structures, and where female characters aren't anachronistic. There's a lot of flexibility, and campaigns can be as serious or silly as the group wants.

Russell PhillipsSetting Europe AblazeSetting Europe Ablaze: The SOE Sourcebook gives you all the tools you need to GM or play in an SOE campaign. With no rigid military ranks or limiting rules to follow, the SOE offers the perfect opportunity to play an RPG set in the Second World War where almost anything can happen. This user-friendly sourcebook is system-neutral, so you are free to use whatever rules you and your players prefer.

@RPBook Fun fact, Virginia Hall was lead SOE and CIA operative in France during WW2. Nothing anachronistic about that.

@Seanochicago exactly. There were plenty of female SOE agents and resistance fighters.