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Daniel Carkner🥀

People on the EN keep editing the ill-fated communist leader Musso's name to be "Munawar Musso" or "Musso Munawar". (It's currently the latter.)

In any old newspapers from the 1920s-50s he was only ever Musso. The oldest appearance I can find online of "Munawar Musso" is from the World Marxist Review in English in the 1970s. In recent English and Indonesian books (2010s-2020s) he seems to be now referred to regularly as Munawar Musso.🤔

I changed it back to Munawar Musso. That at least appears in books, whereas the reverse appears nowhere.

But ... where does it come from? Is this like "Achmed" Sukarno, a second name added in a foreign context to make the single name appear more complete?


I have kind of a distant link to Musso.. my friend's grandfather was also a communist and knew him in the 1940s, I think. But it would have been a brief acquaintance as my friend's grandfather joined the PKI around 1945 and Musso died in the Madiun Affair in 1948.

From my old supervisor John Roosa: "Never heard of him being called anything other than Musso or Muso. It does sound like Ahmad Sukarno syndrome."