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If you are reading a #book and find it really heavy going do you just give up and change #book or do you continue until the end? #books #bookstodon @bookstodon

Isaac Land

@bibliolater @bookstodon Love this question and the replies. I guess one blessing of a long life is that we can return to a book much, much later—like decades later. I recently finished War and Peace, but as an audio book (55 hours). It defeated me when I was younger. I am glad I came back to it.

@coastalhistory @bookstodon I would like to congratulate you for having the patient to concentrate for fifty hours.
I have also used #audiobooks in the past. The problem I find with them and this very well may be particular to me, is that I cannot retain the information as easily as I can with #reading physical #books.

@bibliolater @bookstodon Even with the audio book version of War and Peace, I varied in my interest level and motivation to continue. It took about a year. I did have a hard copy on hand, and a few times I looked up an interesting passage in it so I could go over the wording again. It’s true that it’s a different experience than reading from a page.