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Daniel Bellingradt

The Verwurstung of books.

In 1974, the artist Dieter Roth experimented with the materiality of books - and made, among other "literature sausages", Hegel's complete work to 20 sausages using traditional sausage recipes, replacing the sausage's meat with book paper.


Interessanter Hinweis (auch auf die Beliebtheit #Hegel s) im Zusammenhang mit der #Myzelisierung of books, vgl. kuenstlerhaus.de/inhalt/rottin

German joke

@dbellingradt Did Roth ever get around to Charles Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities"?

"It was the best of times, it was the wurst of times..."

@dbellingradt As a book fetishist, sausage afficianado, and gluttonous reader I approve of this work on many levels.