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I signed up as gahlearner and want to write a rather classical fantasy/fairytale adventure. I'm looking forward to the pantsing and what will come out of it.

And thank you so much @amin and helpers for doing this for us and all the hard work. You must be exhausted but you did it.

Elyse M Grasso

@gahlearner @amin

I'm in for WritingMonth as emgrasso. I signed up for a net increase of 20000 words planning to update each day, editing and expanding any of the first 3 volumes of the Elderkin Chronicles. I really need to get back into the habit of daily updates, but I'm mostly in an editing phase, especially for volume 1, and I know there are existing sections that need to be tightened.

I just passed 100K words on volume 1 of the Elderkin Chronicles (the draft the pro editor commented on was about 91K), and I'm at roughly the midpoint of this editing pass working on a pivot scene, which it needs. I think things are in pretty good shape.

@elysegrasso @gahlearner @amin

I just signed up as joangrey! I'm adding buddies as fast as I learn names.

Here's hoping I can get at least one novella written in November!

@amin @elysegrasso @gahlearner

I tried using the <a href> command to make my site a clickable link and, uh. Failed. How do I make that clickable?

@JoanGrey @elysegrasso @gahlearner

Yeah, so; I disabled HTML formatting because allowing that would mean people could potentially inject, say, JavaScript code that runs on the computer of anyone who visits the page. Security issue.

For formatting the bio supports Markdown; here's a guide to the syntax: https://commonmark.org/help/

For a link: [Link Text](https://example.com/)

commonmark.orgMarkdown Reference

@amin @JoanGrey @elysegrasso

I have a question about the icon. It may interest others, that's why I ask here and not pm. Are we allowed to use that on a blog or such?

@gahlearner @JoanGrey @elysegrasso

Ah I guess I didn't label it anywhere… the icon's by the brilliant @ivan and is licensed CC BY-SA, so you can use it for any purpose as long as you credit the source and license any derivatives with the same license. :)

I had to make a jpeg out of it since I couldn't get WP to accept a svg file, and attributed it accordingly.

@amin @ivan

@gahlearner @ivan

I do have PNG versions uploaded to the site as well, though they're not linked anywhere.


The number is size; I believe (off the top of my head) there's 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

Perfect. Then I can put one on my sidebar.

@amin @ivan