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Joseph M. Adelman

“The seventeenth-century Van Rensselaer family may have seen ‘The Case of the Colonie of Rensselaerswijck’ as a compendium of their victimization, but I now see it as a record of colonialism’s paradoxes.” Erin Kramer writes about the story behind her Oct. 2022 essay on Albany, diplomacy, and the Haudenosaunee. blog.oieahc.wm.edu/a-record-of

Omohundro Institute of Early American History & CultureA Record of Colonialism’s Paradoxesby Erin Kramer (Trinity University) Erin Kramer is the author of “Coraler’s House: Diplomatic Spaces, Lineages, and Memory in the New York Borderlands” (William and Mary Quarterly…