ironic anniversaries
March 7 was the birthday of the man who created modern #Czechoslovakia and the one who nearly destroyed it
- President Liberator Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1850-1937)
- Nazi governor Reinhard Heydrich (1904; assassinated by Czechoslovak paratroopers, 1942)
The contrast between T. G. Masaryk (born 7 March 1850) and Reinhard Heydrich (born 7 March 1904) could not be greater:
one, a builder and a humanist
the other, a destroyer and hangman
Here is a treasured large-scale portrait of President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk that from time to time graces my home office. It depicts him at work in the president's office in Prague Castle ("Hrad," as noted in the signature)
I asked myself when chzechs call it Hradcany ( GE: Hradschin) or just only Hrad ?
@enigma Hradčany in Czech
Hrad means castle
Germans germanized Hradčany to Hradschin
got it, thanks. In simple english I also wondered why the german "Schloss" ( or Schlösschen) is different to palace ( Palast, Residenz) . It took me a glance to wikipedia lately to learn how englishmen used to use french 'chateau' instead of an own expression.
in my history lessons I always felt kind of solace or justification about the fact how soon Heydrich got killed by assasination .
@enigma Yes. No one deserved it more
@js @CitizenWald I Never learned about this resistance Network ( only learned french history)
It reminds me on the classic movie of the IRA founder Michael Collins .