This #ThrowbackThursday let’s talk dirty! Today, we’re focusing on porn in the NOTCHES archive, and what better place to start than with Whitney Strub in conversation with Jeffrey Escoffier in Constructing the Pornographic Object of Knowledge.
Read it here:
‘Contemporary pornography has become a massive archive of sexual scripts. To some extent pornography has replaced sexology, psychoanalysis and sex manuals as a form of knowledge about sexuality.’ – Escoffier
In our second spotlight Lisa Z. Sigel explores American homemade porn in an interview on her book, The People’s Porn: A History of Handmade Pornography in America. Read the interview here:
Finally, we have Archives of Desire: Soft-Core Pornography and Activism in the 1960s by Helis Sikk, who looks into The Los Angeles Advocate and the pornography of Pat Rocco.
Read it here: