@philip_cardella @tkinias I'm jealous, Phillip, as I may want to present at that Purdue conference some day but have never been. I believe @rachelshelden often presents there?
I visit conferences sometimes and presented at the AHA in Atlanta but tbh conferences that aren't in California have negligible cost-benefits for me as I'm #ContingentFaculty and don't get funding (sadly). #Academia #AcademicConferences
@NorCallover @philip_cardella @rachelshelden
part of why I’m going to AHA is that I’ll be representing WHA (running the affiliate table etc.), but that kinda goes with being an officer...
@NorCallover @philip_cardella @tkinias the political history conference is fabulous! There have been two at Purdue and we expect to have one at Vanderbilt in 2024. (I find the AHA to be less useful for Americanists but lots of non-Americanist friends go.)
@rachelshelden @NorCallover @philip_cardella
the thing I love (as, admittedly, a non-Americanist!) about AHA is precisely that I get exposed to so much work that’s outside my field