No games this weekend
Let me #ttrpg through y’all today!!!! What’s happening in your dice rolling adventures?
#DnD #Community
@Lizards_cast lots of 2nd ed #7thSea for me.
This afternoon I was GM. The heroes discovered that someone had tried to assassinate a villain who was in Rose & Cross custody. Presumably to stop her talking. They finished the session riding off with her, so that nobody would know where she was, to foil future attempts.
This evening, I was a playing a pirate captain. It finished with my and another characters' spirits separated from our bodies. If they're not rejoined by dawn (3 hours) they die.
@RPBook both of these sound so awesome!!! Absolutely jealous!
@Lizards_cast both were a lot of fun The first one is a campaign that has only been running for a few sessions, the second has been running for years.
@RPBook absolutely amazing! So jealous!!! What levels are y’all playing right now?
@Lizards_cast 7th Sea doesn't really do levels, but there's a notable difference in the level of threat that the two groups can deal with
@RPBook that sounds cool! I don’t know anything about 7th Sea…how does it play?
@Lizards_cast it's very different to games like D&D or even the 1st edition of 7th Sea. There's no way for a character (PC or NPC) to die by accident - if death happens, it has to be deliberate.
It's very much about the players being heroic. It's set in a fantasy roughly similar to Elizabethan Europe. Lots of swashbuckling :)
@RPBook that sounds absolutely fantastic!
@Lizards_cast I can heartily recommend it