Hi there, new server, new #introduction:
My name is Daniel Bellingradt: I am a media and communication historian with a special focus on #earlymodern Europe. I am the co-editor of "Jahrbuch für #Kommunikationsgeschichte", and I have, among other stuff, published 4 books about pamphlets, paper history, magical manuscripts, and an app trail through Hamburg in 1686.
These are my #'s: #digitalhistory, #bookhistory, #paperhistory #histodons
Here's a photo of me looking bemused into an old big book
Big book, looking bemused - that's a follow :)
@dbellingradt That’s clearly what I’m missing: a photo of me looking bemused at media artefacts! I must rectify this…
Love the early modern to the digital thread... *follow*
@dbellingradt I have a confession to make: I made an erroneous snap judgement from your picture. Because in Sweden, any young man with a shaved head and wearing a suit who is visible in the media is usually an elected representative of the Swedish AfD equivalent...
@mrundkvist that’s horrible
@dbellingradt What's really horrible is that they got 21% of the vote in the 2022 parliamentary election. Their voters are comprised of most Swedish working-class *men*, while their wives still vote Social Democrat or Agricultural Centre.
@dbellingradt That looks wholesome! The atmosphere must be great