When you printed a glorious knight late at night in 1489, and woke up to notice that you forgot the lance ...
If you want to know more about this inserted drawing (and read German), here is (open) access to the German journal of @hab_wf fame "Medium Buch", featuring an article by Peter Schmidt about how this happened and why: https://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/ddo/artikel/87791/978-3-447-18415-1_Kostenloser%20Open%20Access-Download.pdf
And while some of you are suggesting in my DM that this is not a lance but a phallus, well it does have some #MasculineEnergy in it. But the text is about a knight using a lance, so likely false alarm here.
@dbellingradt this Lance is a lot!
I know a Trump Sharpie event when I see one.