Today is Pearl Harbor Day in the U.S., a “day that will live in infamy” for the unprovoked attack by the Empire of Japan upon U.S. forces stationed in Hawaii. But it also marked a dark turning point for Japanese Americans, who overnight became the “enemy.” (1/4)
At age 4, I was classified as 4c, enemy alien, even though I was born in the U.S. Within a few months, the internment of our community was ordered by FDR with broad support from the American people, who turned their backs upon us. We lost our homes, our businesses and our freedoms. (2/4)
It has been my lifelong mission to tell the story of the Japanese American internment so that we remember and do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Now, I am bringing that story to the UK from Jan-Apr in a show called “Allegiance” based on my own experiences. (3/4)
If you are in London early in 2023, I would be deeply honored if you came to share in this storytelling by joining us at Allegiance. Thank you.
— Uncle George (4/4)
@georgetakei #AllegianceMusical is so wonderful! I still remember how powerful it was when you opened it here in San Diego at the Old Globe. I'm thrilled you're getting to bring it to the UK next.
I have a student working this semester on #TheyCalledUsEnemy. The story of the internment and how it affected families like yours must not be forgotten! #histodons