A vacation Sunday friends! That means it's high time to: ASK ME ANYTHING about #GamingthePastInEd or #HistoricalGameStudies! Come on: wouldn't you like to talk about history & games & history education, or any part or intersection of those 3?!?! Never know; could be fun; maybe even interesting!?!?!?
@gamingthepast When you talk about #GamingThePastInEd, is it only about video games or do you work in non-digital game development?
@alessa_ed Great question! Thanks so much! So tl;dr is that I use both video games and board games in my own classes. While my writing has mostly abt historical video games, I think, analog game analyses in a class setting also works very well w/ the #HistoricalProblemSpace framework I've developed over the past 10+ years or so. My current writing project is actually a book w/ Routledge that focuses a lot on guiding teachers to develop analog games & guide students to dev analog games in class.
@gamingthepast That sounds like a great #ProfessionalDevelopment book for #history #teachers. I've been working on a project that is essentially a Carmen Sandiego style quiz game that integrates Google Earth. It definitely needs a bit of finessing, but I'm feeling good about the first draft.
@alessa_ed Thanks! That sounds great and it's cool you are developing your own materials!