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Rebecca Brückmann

I mean, seriously. Have you ever met a single academic talking about their research interest, really? 😂😬

The only time I have *ever* seen an academic not talking about their interest is when they're about to publish something, and don't want to be scooped.


🎵 ​And then I write, by morning, night,
And afternoon, and pretty soon
My name in Dnepropetrovsk is cursed
When he finds out I published first! 🎶


@historleans Oh shit, BMSB are changing their mating habits? That can't be good. 😱

@historleans In the AI field *alone*. If I had a nickel for every time in the past year a company valued something upwards of a billion dollars and then it got "leaked" because someone emailed a researcher and asked nicely and got it in return,

I'd have $1.35

@historleans i don't know any secret scientists. They're all very open about it...

@historleans The headlines ought to be "The Obscure Discoveries Unrelated to Most People's Lives That Scientists Won't Shut Up About."

But that wouldn't get much traction with the conspiracy theorists, would it?

@historleans oh my, trying to figure out what not being in a relationship, aka single, has to do with anything.

@historleans me: well if you really must know,
*while i speak, tables are wiped, chairs are put up on the tables, the light is turned off, the club doors locked from the outside*