...damnit, #AcrobatReader is _such_ a piece of crap nowadays.
It's been declining for years, constantly triggering "out of memory" errors when I opened up multiple PDFs at the same time. But I've reached my limit when it crashed multiple times when I tried to search a very simple three-page PDF - while displaying an " #AI Assistant" bar that I didn't ask for and cannot seem to switch off.
I've now installed SumatraPDF . #Adobe is not worth the aggravation.
Years ago I switched to Foxit from Acrobat on Windows XP. Summatra seemed best on Win10.
I use Okular on Linux, which does multiple formats, annotation etc.
I found that on Android that PocketBook (an epub app) was best for PDF viewing, doing two pages in correct order.
I use Nebo to annotate PDF on Android (handwriting to text conversion).
Also LO Writer now creates PDFs nicely.