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"Chronic lung disease, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome or #fibromyalgia (aOR = 2.20), & arthritis were associated with a higher odds of more severe Covid19 infection"


#MEcfs @mecfs @covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19

Good morning, y'all. 5 years ago today I did the first issue of CoronaBuzz, a daily newsletter for updates about covid. Over the next 2.5 years I indexed and tagged over 13,000 articles about covid-19 and its impacts around the world. I am still updating that dataset though much more slowly than I was.

The collection is part of ResearchBuzz Firehose. I have an article on how to explore, search, and monitor it here: researchbuzz.me/2024/03/14/cor . I hope you find it useful.

ResearchBuzz · CoronaBuzz: Navigating an Collection of Over 13,800 Covid-Related Article Summaries
More from ResearchBuzz

#MIS-C, eine seltene, aber schwere Entzündung nach #COVID19 bei Kindern, wird durch die Reaktivierung des #EpsteinBarr-Virus ausgelöst.

Das #Virus, das meist unbemerkt im Körper bleibt, kann durch eine gestörte #Immunabwehr erneut aktiv werden.

Forschende der #Charité haben entdeckt, dass der Botenstoff #TGFβ diesen Prozess verstärkt. Eine gezielte Hemmung könnte Behandlungswege für MIS-C und möglicherweise auch für #LongCovid eröffnen.


Charité – Universitätsmedizin BerlinPress reports: Charité – Universitätsmedizin BerlinPress release of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Australian COVID-19 weekly stats update:

The risk estimate is trending gently upwards, now at 0.4% “Currently Infectious”, or 1-in-239.

That implies a 12% chance that someone is infectious in a group of 30.

Waves driven by the new LP.8.1.* variant have shown relatively low peaks in most places, and it is showing slow growth in the Australian genomic sequencing data.

#COVID19 #Australia @auscovid19

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@sarah_ist_muede Mir ist aufgefallen, dass bei dem einem oder anderen Format wieder unnötig Raum für #Querdenker eingeräumt wird. Dazu ausnahmsweise was persönliches: Im November 2020 starb mein Vater AN #COVID19 in einem Pflegeheim in San Fernando (Cádiz). Ich konnte nichtmal zu seiner Beerdigung, weil mich spätetestens am Flughafen Jerez die Guardia abgefangen hätte (Reisebeschränkungen). Wenig später war so‘n Querkackvogel bei uns im Geschäft und fing an, sich über unsere Luftfilter (1/2),

Continued thread

Eine Ökonomie des Krieges

Ein spannender Text aus Italien aus dem Jahr 2024 zur Polykrise und wie bestimmte Entwicklungen seit der Corona-Pandemie in die Militarisierung von Staaten und Transformationen zur Kriegswirtschaft übergegangen sind.


'Kasernenausdrücke wie „Wir sind an der Front“ oder „Hommage an die Kriegshelden“ wurden endlos wiederholt, ebenso wie die Wiederkehr veralteter patriotischer Rhetorik und Nationalhymnen auf Balkonen, die angesichts der prekären Gesundheitssituation ebenfalls nur von kurzer Dauer waren. Die menschenleeren Strassen erweckten den Eindruck einer Ausgangssperre, die bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung der Pandemie und die möglichen Lösungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung verdunkelte. Diese Massnahmen wurden in einen Rahmen gestellt, der an die Simulation einer Kriegssituation erinnerte. 

Leopard 2A6M CAN der Canadian Army (rechts) auf der Rüstungsmesse Eurosatory.
Untergrund-BlättleEine Ökonomie des Krieges: Das Kind der permanenten wirtschaftlichen DepressionDer Trend zur Kriegswirtschaft hat sich seit der Pandemie Covid 19 herausgebildet. Was auch immer der Ursprung von Covid 19 war, der schockierendste Aspekt war die Kriegssprache, die sofort in den Medien des Regimes die Runde machte.

How about some promising Covid-vaccine-related news? It's all early on, but it's still nice to see — and maybe buried amidst all the other news.

Nasal COVID-19 vaccine based on WashU technology to enter U.S. clinical trials

Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All COVID-19 Variants

(Of course, who knows what will happen with any vaccine work and/or availability given this administration.)

WashU Medicine · Nasal COVID-19 vaccine based on WashU technology to enter U.S. clinical trials | WashU MedicineTrial will assess safety, efficacy of next-generation vaccine given via nasal spray, inhalation
"Multiple scientific studies have shown that the risk of developing Long COVID is compounded by each reinfection. Wastewater data, now the only reliable metric to track the spread of the pandemic, shows that the average American has been infected by COVID-19 nearly four times. At the current trajectory, this figure will reach eight infections per person by March 2030. A similar reality undoubtedly exists throughout the world."

5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: The origins of a social catastrophe https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2025/03/12/qxrx-m12.html

#covid19 #health #healthcare #capitalism
World Socialist Web Site5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: The origins of a social catastropheThe COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the incapacity of capitalism to deal with the problems of mass society, and that this social system is in an advanced state of regression.
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"The act of forgetting has always been a tool of oppression. We cannot adequately resist that which has been revised, erased, or forgotten by our community members. But few will acknowledge that this is happening with COVID. Just as one may utter that “slavery was back then, get over it”, when we use verbiage like “post-pandemic” we are rendering oppression as a static past event rather than an ever-evolving present that shapes our shared future. This tactic has always been useful to those who wish to profit off of our suffering and the cycle will continue to repeat if we do not acknowledge and act on the truth of our current reality. If we do not reckon with our failures to each other around COVID and do the work to remedy it, are we better than those who try to ban our people’s histories’ from the schools? We aid in the crusade to forget every day when we do not consider the pandemic as both current and deadly."

~V. Copeland


The ForgeReflecting on COVID, Year 5 - The ForgeVee Copeland, a disabled organizer and former policy analyst details their experience facing the lack of care in movement strategy around surviving the current administration It has been a treacherous five years since the COVID pandemic began.  According to the World Health Organization, more than seven million people across the globe have died from COVID-19, […]

“If we were to see immune damage manifesting at a population level, it would look like what we’re seeing today: big waves of common illnesses. Unusual spikes of uncommon illnesses. Course reversal for previously declining and eliminated illnesses. An unexplained, global wave of sickness.”


The Gauntlet · Kids keep getting sicker as evidence for COVID immune damage buildsBy Julia Doubleday
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Frustrated to see that #COVID cases, hospitalizations, deaths and wastewater all appear to have plateaued in #NYC !

Fortunately, it's "only" 25-30 people getting hospitalized for #covid19 every day, 2.85 per lakh. Hospitalizations from the flu are much higher, so I'm hoping tomorrow's flu and RSV numbers will show a continued drop there. If not, I'm moving next week's karaoke online!

#COVIDIsNotOver so I still #WearAMask in elevators, trains, doctors' offices, pharmacies and supermarkets!