"Have you noticed how death is our solution to everything nowadays?"

"Have you noticed how death is our solution to everything nowadays?"
Politicians commonly claim that the #USA has been a "beacon of #democracy" for the past 250 years, at home & abroad.
The #US intervened in foreign #elections at least 128 times between 1946 & 2014, to sway outcomes in its own interests, usually to prevent #leftwing parties from coming to power.
Am I the only person who hears #KamalaHarris in my ears: “A tax on American families”. She got that right- now let’s see if she got the number right: $4000 a year?
"If you elect #KamalaHarris, eggs will cost $4." - JD #Vance
Now that #eggs cost over $8, I bet you wish you'd voted for #Kamala, eh Magats?
I think that's part of the reason that the #KamalaHarris campaign was so terrible on economic policy. The working classes have been bled so dry that nothing short of immediate cash aid will help, but that's exactly the opposite of what their donors want.
@QasimRashid Anyone knows what #KamalaHarris is doing these days? Would sure do some good, if she held a rally ... Should still have plenty of cash left from the unspent campaign fund.
Heck, why not declare that she runs for President in 2028 and start campaigning, flood the news with ads about the latest crimes of Trump, his latest grifting, or his ridiculous tariff announcement? One rally per month would shake things up ... Just saying...
#MIAKamala #DemsMIA #WhereIsKamala
" #Leftists" aren't doing this, but a ton of #liberals are
Major drunken argument in the household last night. Wife and son adamant they can blame #KamalaHarris and others for #Trump and me telling them we can't blame any Black or POC person because this is a #WhitePeople issue. Did White people need a special belly stroking to know not to vote for a geriatric, bigotted racist, rapist and convicted felon to be the fucking leader of the Free World?
#WhiteSupremacy will end (peacefully) when White people decide and not one second sooner.
But, it will end.
‘Like they’re trying to do with Trump’: Florida man arrested for alleged threats to kill Kamala Harris ‘with a sniper rifle’
#KamalaHarris tried to warn us all about #Trump #Putin #autocracy #dictatorship
#TSA does not keep the #USA safe. It's post-9/11 #security theater designed to harass, intimidate, & generally make our lives more difficult. It was brought in as part of a latter-day #gestapo operation, the #DHS, under the false premise of " #terrorism".
Bushwick, Brooklyn: Rising rents, all-nighters and ‘crazy-ass outfits’ in the US’s most exciting neighborhood https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2025/mar/08/bushwick-brooklyn-new-york #Gentrification #KamalaHarris #Lifeandstyle #Socialmedia #Clubculture #Brooklyn #Clubbing #NewYork #Fashion #USnews #Cities #TikTok #Music
Celebrity endorsements don’t sway local consumers https://www.inbella.com/940353/celebrity-endorsements-dont-sway-local-consumers/ #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #BruceSpringsteen #Celebrities #CelebritiesNews #CelebrityEndorsements #consumers #ElizabethN.Johnson #GEORGECLOONEY #HarrisonFord #JuliaRoberts #KamalaHarris #MeganTheeStallion #NoahWerksman #SaveHarris #SimoneD’Ambrogio #TaylorSwift
"... zur Wiederwahl verholfen hatte, fehlte es ihr schlicht an eigenen Konzepten zur Lösung der politischen und ökonomischen Krise. Sie trat als Verteidigerin eines Status Quo auf, den niemand wollte.
Ähnliches war vergangenes Jahr am Wahlkampf von #KamalaHarris zu beobachten, und auch #SPD und #Grüne fällt derzeit wenig mehr ein, als zu behaupten, der Stand der Dinge sei im Großen und Ganzen in Ordnung."
#Corporate democrats are showing you what they are now. #Fascist sympathizers & #authoritarians who believe #fascism is ok if they have a position inside it. Republicans give #Dems permission to be who they want to be: #fascists
Trump stated on social media that he would kill all the people of #Gaza. Biden was different in that he was committed to doing the same thing but claimed he wasn’t doing it.
Supreme Court Rules the Clean Water Act Doesn’t Actually Require That Water Be Clean
Surprise! Elections have consequences.
Fuck everyone that didn’t vote #KamalaHarris or #hillaryclinton. Fuck everyone that downplayed voting for these highly qualified women. Y’all can eat shit, quite literally. That’s not me saying it, it’s the highest court in the land that you helped shape! Cheers!!!