Two young girls working Inland Type Foundry. 9 to 10 hours a day. Location: St. Louis, Missouri.
#InlandTypeFoundry #StLouis #Missouri #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Two young girls working Inland Type Foundry. 9 to 10 hours a day. Location: St. Louis, Missouri.
#InlandTypeFoundry #StLouis #Missouri #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Nine-year old Pauline Reiber topping beets, a dangerous and hard job for such a child. Location: Sterling vicinity, Colorado
#PaulineReiber #Colorado #LewisHines #American #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Mart Payne, 5 years old, picks from 10 to 20 pounds a day. Mother said: "Mart, he haint old nuff to go to school much, but he kin pick his 20 pounds a day. Mostly 10 or 15 pounds." See 4560. Location: Comanche County, Oklahoma
#MartPayne #10to20pounds #20pounds #10or15pounds #ComancheCounty #Oklahoma #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Mamie La Barge at her Machine. Under legal age. Location: Winchendon, Massachusetts.
#MamieLaBarge #Machine #Winchendon #Massachusetts #LewisHines #LewisHine #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Seven-year-old Maggie Wohn pulls and piles the beets. See preceding photos. Location: Sterling vicinity, Colorado.
#MaggieWohn #Colorado #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Anniston Mfg. Co. Not so good as it looks. Sanitation is bad, and child labor conditions worst in town. Location: Anniston, Alabama.
#AnnistonMfgCo #Anniston #Alabama #American #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
A little spinner in the Mollahan Mills, Newberry, S.C. She was tending her "sides" like a veteran, but after I took the photo, the overseer came up and said in an apologetic tone that was pathetic, "She just happened in." Then a moment later he repeated the information. The mills appear to be full of youngsters that "just happened in," or " are helping sister." Dec. 3, 08. Witness Sara R. Hine. Location: Newberry, South Carolina
#theMollahanMills #Newberry #SaraRHine #SouthCarolina #America #SaraRHine #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
A dilapidated "renters" home near West. The Tripp farm. Five in the family. Girl (apparently fifteen years old) is married. The farm contains a hundred and fifty acres now. A larger farm of eight hundred acres was cut up into this and three others - to rent. See Hine report. Location: West, Texas.
#Tripp #eighthundredacres #Texas #LewisHines #America #WestTexas #HineReport #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Newsies. Location: St. Louis, Missouri.
#Newsies #StLouis #Missouri #LewisHines #LoenerNL #LewisHine #America #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Newsies--Harry Becker, 12 years, Max Becker, 9 years. 487 Hampshire St., sell after school until 9 P.M. earn from 10 to 12 cents per day each. Location: Lawrence, Massachusetts.
#HarryBecker #MaxBecker #HampshireSt #Lawrence #Massachusetts #first #America #LewisHines #LewisHine #American #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Newsies. Location: Boston, Massachusetts.
#Newsies #Boston #Massachusetts #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Boys working in Great Falls Mfg. Co., Somersworth, N.H. Boy on right hand is Joseph Tanguay, 80 Depot Street. Left hand boy is Henry Labreck, 14 Chesley Av. Location: Somersworth, New Hampshire.
#GreatFallsMfgCo #Somersworth #JosephTanguay #HenryLabreck #ChesleyAv #NewHampshire #Labreck #America #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Group of boys who were suspicious and refused to give name. But some of the names were obtained from other boys. Peter Horency, County St., at left of picture. He is 14 according to Birth certificate. James Knowles, 29 Mosber Street, at right of picture is 15 according to birth certificate. Location: New Bedford, Massachusetts.
#PeterHorency #CountySt #JamesKnowles #NewBedford #Massachusetts #CountyStreet #LewisHines #American #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Three of the youngest boys working in Holden, Leonard Co., Bennington, Vt. Said they work i.e., would continue to work after summer vacation. Louis Godbout (right hand end) 132 Lincoln Street. John Friedman, (Tallest) 120 Lincoln St., Joe Lacroiz, (Second in height) 110 Lincoln St. Location: Bennington, Vermont.
#Holden,LeonardCo #Bennington #LouisGodbout #LincolnStreet #JohnFriedman #Tallest #LincolnSt #JoeLacroiz #Second #LincolnStLocation #Vermont #third #Holden #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Three adults and six children from seven years to twelve years hard at work on a sugar beet farm near Greeley Colorado. The father said: "The children can thin the beets better than grown ups. We all work fourteen hours a day at times because when the beets is ready they has to be done. About twelve weeks is about all the children can work on thinning and topping. Some of them hoe a little. See Hine Report, Colorado Beet Workers, July, 1915. Location: Greeley vicinity, Colorado.
#Greeley #Colorado #ColoradoBeetWorkers #America #American #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Alfro Magureto, 55 Elm Street, worked all summer in doffing room No. 5 of the Washington Mill. She laid off last week for two weeks. Expects to come back this week. Location: Lawrence, Massachusetts.
#AlfroMagureto #ElmStreet #theWashingtonMill #Lawrence #Massachusetts #LewisHines #AlfroMaguretos #LewisHine #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
7 year old news-boy who sells for his brother. Sold some last summer. William Lerch, 483 1st Street, S.W. Location: Washington (D.C.), District of Columbia.
#WilliamLerch #SWLocation #Washington #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
John Bachman, 22 Nelson Street, Ward 6. Work in drawing-in room. 14 years old. Witness R.K. Conant. Location: New Bedford, Massachusetts.
#JohnBachman #NelsonStreet #RKConant #NewBedford #Massachusetts #America #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor