Let's come together and make this world okay.
Let's come together and make this world okay.
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
Ghost Love Score - Nightwish - #SoundCloud #Music #Nightwish
Nightwish - Walking in the Air
The Sisters of Mercy - Flood II
Amorphis - From Earth I Rose
Prodigy - Firestarter
Accept - Metal Heart
Bonus: Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn
#ThursdayFiveList #TheElementsOfFive
#Nightwish #SistersOfMercy #Amorphis #Prodigy #Accept
#Nightwish last song of the Human Nature album. Oh I like it much.
Music, isn't it one heck of a miracle? And so is our world. It brought me to tears, as for so many times when Iistening to Nightwish.
I am in awe.
Nightwish - All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World - Ad Astra
Thank you for sharing the story of The Children of 'Ata @rutgerbregman.com #HumanKind #AHopefulHistory #DeMeesteMensenDeugen Thank you for the #music #TuomasHolopainen #Nightwish #FloorJansen #metal #symphonicmetal #musicofbsky
Nightwish - The Children of 'A...
#Nightwish - Yesterwynde
Gothic progressive metal, symphonic and with vocals. Its nice, but a lot, right kind of mood for it to gel kind of record. I'd recommend this band/record to fans of #Apocalyptica. oh, there's also a no-vocals version of the album, just orchestra. cool! This band also does a metal cover of the #PhantomOfTheOpera theme on a separate album, so there's that.
#symphonicMetal #metal #progressivemetal #gothicMetal
Side 1 of disc 1 of Yesterwynde by #Nightwish is serving as the reference material, for what it’s worth. I’ve just reached Troy’s pipe solo at the end of An Ocean Of Strange Islands. Sublime.
Επιστροφή στις ρίζες. Ανάσταση και του CD, μετά από τα βινύλια...
2024 #LastFM tracks.
1. The Purge (Wireless) #WithinTemptation [35]
2. Hurt (Beste Zangers 2023) #DuncanLaurence [34]
3. Entertain You (Wireless) #WithinTemptation [34]
4. Don't Pray For Me (Wireless) #WithinTemptation [33]
5. Ritual #WithinTemptation [32]
6. Wireless (Wireless) #WithinTemptation [32]
7. Getting Older (High Drama) #AdamLambert [28]
8. Nemo (Once) #Nightwish [28]
9. What About Me? (What About Me?) #Takida [28]
10. Mad About The Boy (High Drama) #AdamLambert [27]
Something festive but different! #Nightwish’s version of #WalkingInTheAir accompanying a mash-up of #TheHobbit.
Link to #YouTube :
Da ich gerade wieder einmal den Auftritt von Nightwish bei #Wacken 2013 geshen habe: Wenn ihr in der Zeit zu einem Musikereignis der Weltgeschichte zurückreisen könntet, welches wäre es?
Since I've just watched #Nightwish's performance at Wacken 2013 again: If you could travel back in time to one #music event in world history, what would it be?
Noch 'ne Runde auf dem Plattenteller drehen? Aber gerne doch! Heute liegen die Könige des Symphonic Metal im White Vinyl unter der Nadel. Nightwish kann mich mit ihrem aktuellen Album Yesterwynde immer wieder begeistern. Die kraftvolle Stimme von Floor Jansen erzählt großartige Geschichten, die von epischen Melodien eingerahmt werden. Ein Hörvergnügen, erst recht aufVinyl, wenn ich auch gut auf den Kinderchor in "The Day of" hätte verzichten können. Ein paar Übergänge holpern für meinen Geschmack auch mehr als nötig, aber insgesamt hat das Album seinen Platz weit vorn in meiner Sammlung verdient.
#vinyllove #nowplaying #nightwish
I’m a huge fan of symphonic metal (Primer here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Zslnc5XTfutLia-n--USUCchy2gV3Hr&si=EwUeHT1_CNlK22DM) and Finnish band Nightwish is one of defining bands of the genre. This is their cover of “The Phantom of the Opera” (https://youtu.be/tL25rbnvM4o?si=cJtwEQJbiOxGBCkY) About a year ago singer Tarja Turunen and Marko Hietala reunited for some concerts together and they still sound great together (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbl92ckKwVp3-AIk2jbFBQ5Aa8mYQFwCJ&si=dm0U6CJhX79JG633)
#RetroView #Nightwish
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
An Ocean Of Strange Islands
YouTube Search:
NIGHTWISH Releases Music Video For 'Lanternlight' Song From 'Yesterwynde' Album