Mediterranean sea is too warm for #orcas
'They don't belong in the Med': Future of homeless orcas still uncertain

Mediterranean sea is too warm for #orcas
'They don't belong in the Med': Future of homeless orcas still uncertain
I took one of those "I side with" #political tests and it said politically I align with those #orcas that keep sinking #yachts
Prominente #Tiere wie #Orcas oder #Pandas haben das Potenzial, den #Artenschutz voranzutreiben – doch was passiert mit den unpopulären, oft vergessenen Arten wie #Amphibien? Lisbeth Schröder über die besondere Rolle von #Marketing im #Umweltschutz: #PR
@SciLogs » #Meertext » #Biologie »
Wie #Wale mit #KryptoKommunikation #Orcas meiden
Von Bettina #Wurche
Schwertwale (Orcinus orca) sind die Top Prädatoren der Ozeane, sie snacken selbst Weiße Haie. Manche Orca-Gruppen begnügen sich mit Fischen oder Haien, andere hingegen bevorzugen Meeressäuger wie Robben oder gar andere Wale.
Some species of baleen whales may avoid attracting killer whales by singing too low to be heard #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #MarineLife #MarineBiology #Whales #Orcas
#Trump is very aware of the #AUKUS agreement & as a “thank you” for the 1st payment of $800,000,000 by #Australia has sent over the initial batch of #Orcas #auspol
I have a problem.... On the plus side, in a few hours, I'll have a pair of Lego orcas!
#MarineMammals #Whales #Dolphins #Cetaceans #Orcas #MarineLife #Lego #AFoL #Lego3in1 #LegoCreator
A drone image shows orcas attacking a great white shark in Mossel Bay, South Africa. When carcasses of sharks began washing up on the western Cape, marine biologists were baffled – until they realised that killer whales with a taste for liver were the culprits.
Photograph: Drone fanatics SA
An amazing story of top predators and how their disappearance, due to just two orcas, has initiated a trophic cascade of prey species.
#Orcas #Sharks #South #Seals #Penguins #SouthAfrica #Oceans
‘Awe-inspiring and harrowing’: how two orcas with a taste for liver decimated the great white shark capital of the world | Sharks | The Guardian
Natural solutions are needed in this #RussianWarOnInfrastructure.
Maybe, the #orcas could be retrained? ;)
Anyhow: in a war of attrition, the #KremlinRegime will find it difficult to replace a naval vessel filled with boycotted high-tech chips. ;)
The West urgently needs to find an untraceable way to sink such war ships. Reconnaissance in the face of repeated attacks on infrastructure makes them legit targets.
I have a fascination for whales. Here’s a @surffeeds I curated with, YouTube, videos, podcasts, mastodon posts, RSS feeds and Flipboard magazines. #Whales #orcas #ocean #surf
Creepy recording of orcas imitating human speech is leaving people amazed but extremely terrified
The female killer whale J35 in Puget Sound, Washington, US, with her calf J61, who was born in December but died shortly afterwards. This is the same whale who, in 2018, swam more than 1,000 miles (1,600km), pushing the body of her dead newborn in an apparent show of grief.
Photograph: Center for Whale Research
"For Tahlequah" teableau for 01/05/24
There was jubilation in my neighborhood when we saw she had a new baby, and devastation when it died. We feel her grief like a physical pain. Southern Resident orcas are critically endangered, currently numbering only 73.
What Is It Like To Swim With Killer Whales? Erich Hoyt did it and wrote a great book about his experiences with orcas.
At @medium, I write about the book and Hoyt's other award-winning work on marine conservation:
#books #Medium #whales #orcas #nature #environment #science #conservation
2/ More than 300,000 ferry sailings traveled the Salish Sea in 2018, while 6,330 cargo, container and passenger vessels and 1,134 oil tankers and barge tows also entered Washington waters. Much of that traffic is headed to the Port of Vancouver, the biggest port by cargo tonnage on the West Coast. #orcas
Yet another MSM article that fails to mention pollution when another dead orca is found. Fat soluable toxins get into the milk that newborns must then drink. A heavy load in mom means a heavy dose for the newborn.
#Orcas #SilentSpring #RachelCarson
Orca-Babies lernen die Sprache der Orcas in wenigen Wochen. Menschliche Wissenschaftler haben auch nach Jahrzehnten die Sprache der #Orcas noch nicht entziffert.
Die intelligenteste Spezies auf Erden sind #Delfine, wie schon #DouglasAdams bemerkte. Er sprach sicherlich von Orcas [ja, das sind Delfine].