it sucks but it's true. voting is purely strategic. I just also want the people who are happy with a boring Dem to support switching to #RankedChoiceVoting and not tell those of us who are further left to ever STFU.
it sucks but it's true. voting is purely strategic. I just also want the people who are happy with a boring Dem to support switching to #RankedChoiceVoting and not tell those of us who are further left to ever STFU.
my local peeps discussed this last night. I think parliamentary systems are better than the current US system but we'd be better if we just added #RankedChoiceVoting. the two concerns being how hard it is to deal with a selfish entrenched governing class vs prevent the grabbing of power by charismatic idiot/assholes. ultimately it's about a better educated and informed public.
Hey #WashingtonState voters, we have one more day to get the #RankedChoiceVoting bill out of committee in the state legislature. Please take a moment to call the Legislative Hotline at (800) 562-6000 and register your support for the Washington VOICES Act, HB 1448!
Here's a link to the bill:
And here is FairVote Washington's one-pager:
#RankedChoiceVoting would produce #ProportionalRepresentation in the legislature. The same voting system could choose the correct* winner in an election with just one winner, such as a head of state. So in that sense they're completely compatible.
*The result is correct if the winner is the candidate who would have beaten all the other candidates in a one-versus-one contest.
that's exactly what has to happen
now the #left must devour the #Democrats
only then can we get movement on things like #rankedChoiceVoting #rcv where we get viable third parties
with ranked choice and stable third parties we get to vote our conscience free and clear for once in this damn country
rather than this endless insipid need for strategy in #fptp voting, compromising to #centrist bullshit that saps the will and the passion
we shouldn't have parties. #RankedChoiceVoting
@DemocracyMattersALot #lisamurkowski and #susancollins vote against trump all the time. Why? Because they were elected in states that have open primaries and #rankedchoicevoting. They are immune to the threat of well funded primary challenges from MAGA candidates because MAGA candidates would never win an open primary and ranked choice voting benefits candidates with broad appeal. They are free to speak up for the people they actually represent.
yet somehow it happens IRL. compromises aren't happening in politics today because most districts are gerrymandered hard to one party or the other. meaning if you win your primary, you're guaranteed to be in office. so playing hard to the base is what matters. compromise or recognizing the other side has some good arguments will be weaponized against you by other people in your party. we need voters who care about getting something over nothing. and #RankedChoiceVoting
hard to count...didn’t turn up to the polls because “my vote doesn’t matter” #BlueStates #RedStates and #nationalpopularvote and #rankedchoicevoting
We know 89 million registered citizens didn't vote on Nov 2024
Harris 74.8 million __ Trump 77.2 million
#electoralcollege getting rid of it
Big waste
campaigning #swingstates
#FoxNews ONLY news you get, those areas
AND #Sinclairbroadcastgroup #rightwing newspapers radio
After meeting with Alderwoman Angela Clay (46th Ward) last month, we were so excited to receive her endorsement to bring #RankedChoiceVoting to Chicago!
Our volunteers are working with City Council to bring a binding ranked choice voting referendum to your March 2026 primary ballot! This referendum, if passed, would give Chicagoans more choices and more power in the elections for Mayor, their alders, City Clerk, and Treasurer!
#SpeakerMadigan convicted today. Trump pardoned #Blago yesterday. They were both corrupt as fuck. I worked for Pat Quinn, who fought with both, for many years. I also worked on political campaigns in Chicago and the suburbs.
Illinois needs #RankedChoiceVoting.
Chicago-based orgs: Appear on our website and support pro-democracy reform! Visit to confirm your endorsement!
We're working with Chicago's City Council to hold a referendum in March 2026 to adopt RCV. If passed, voters could use RCV in the 2027 mayoral election! Please contact our Statewide Organizer with any questions!
Find more info about RCV at!
Chicago: Ranked choice voting would make our elections more efficient and give voters more choices at the polls. Visit to learn more!
Americans do not choose to have only two parties. Our PACs, media, and billionaires choose that for us. #CitizenUnited cements the fact that our choices are binary.
A few places (such as in Alaska) are allowing #RankedChoiceVoting as a path for other parties, but in the end (even there)... We are still dominated by the two parties.
Long, expensive campaigns for Congress and the WH mean that big money needs to back candidates. Big money means one of the two major parties MUST back you financially.
#ThirdParty candidates have almost always been spoilers for the Democrats' success and helped Republicans.
Tell us how to get corruption, big money and billionaires out of our system, and how to convince our corrupt politicians to get rid of the same #CitizensUnited that profitd them... THEN maybe we could have more parties.
Until such time as we can magically make that happen, we will have only two choices.
Explainer: Runoff elections in Chicago. Runoffs waste time and money. Ranked choice voting would make the whole process more efficient.
Today is a good day for a #RankedChoiceVoting Star Trek meme...
So Marco Rubio was approved by the senate unanimously.
Just in case your thought the Democrats might have grown a single backbone between them. Such a silly thought.
The Stupid Party will not save us from the Evil Party. We need #RankedChoiceVoting and a nationwide push for new, less stupid parties.
Learn about #STARvoting at 7pm (now), with a 30 minute walkthrough followed by Q&A.
STAR lets you support every candidate you like.
Its automatic 2-step process is much simpler than #RankedChoiceVoting (aka IRV or STV).
Your preference between the two most popular options always counts equally to every voter.
Instead of going haywire when 2+ similar candidates enter a race, STAR ends vote-splitting and can smoothly transition us from polarization to consensus.
@mariellequinton Fair points.
I'll add though that our electoral system is especially bad for choosing mayors: #RankedChoiceVoting would be a major improvement.