Z #NowPlaying in 20 minutes, it's Chrissie on Air repeat hosted by Chrissie Cochrane, with #pop, #drama and #jazz. Tune in and find out what it's all about at https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #TGVRadio
Z #NowPlaying in 20 minutes, it's Chrissie on Air repeat hosted by Chrissie Cochrane, with #pop, #drama and #jazz. Tune in and find out what it's all about at https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #TGVRadio
https://www.wacoca.com/media/284733/ ray&DVDが2025年8月27日発売 – TOWER RECORDS ONLINE #CD #drama #DVD #music #オンラインショッピング #タワーレコード #タワーレコードオンライン #タワレコ #ドラマ #ドラマ『わが家は楽し』BluRay&DVDが2025年8月27日発売 #音楽
Ch. 12 of "I Was Broken Before I Got Here" is up, and there's a bit of trouble on the horizon.
https://www.wacoca.com/media/283529/ 西森路代 書籍 『あらがうドラマ 「わたし」とつながる物語』 3月17日発売 #CD #drama #DVD #music #オンラインショッピング #タワーレコード #タワーレコードオンライン #タワレコ #ドラマ #西森路代書籍『あらがうドラマ「わたし」とつながる物語』3月17日発売 #音楽
Z #NowPlaying in 20 minutes, it's Chrissie on Air repeat hosted by Chrissie Cochrane, with #pop, #drama and #jazz. Tune in and find out what it's all about at https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #TGVRadio
Shakespeare's Globe Archive Catalogue: "Finding Disability in Our Records" (Free download, 117-page book) #Shakespeare #Disability #drama #performance cdn.shakespearesglobe.com/uploads/2025...
Una de las cuestiones que se engloban en 'eso' de madurar es saber reconocer quién es tu gente y apegarte a ella en alguna medida. Pasar del grupo a tu grupo.
No solo hablo en términos generales sino locales o, con un foco más fino, tribales. Tus iguales pueden compartir contigo un menú favorito, un equipo deportivo, la clase social. A veces hacemos el corte superficial destinado a morir pronto -uniones fugaces- y otras el filtro siempre nos unirá, aunque no las conozcamos esas personas son de las nuestras.
De lo contrario el alienamiento nos puede devorar.
Maddy sabe quién es y cuál es su grupo. Ella ve The Pink Opaque contra todo y todos, se siente interpelada, da igual si el resto lo aprueba o no. Ya se las arreglará para vivir la serie incluso fuera de la serie.
Vi el brillo del televisor revisita distintos referentes del terror clásico sin renunciar a imponer su propio estilo derivado de aquellos y, sin duda, el dram... trágico mensaje que le urge poner sobre la mesa.
Puñalada psicológica moviendo la hoja por las vísceras (si se sabe leer).
Conocer a Maddy abre una ventana en la vida de Owen. Hay luz, y no es la del Rosa Opaco. Hay poca gente, desde luego en esa luz no está la mayoría, solo es la suya, ¿se atreve a entrar?
Con una educación que delimita el camino hacia eso de nacer, crecer, reproducirse y diñarla, con esas expectativas, cómo salirse del redil y ser une misme. Hay que romper con muchas cosas. Y El rosa opaco es un comienzo pero no puede ser un fin. El fin es vivir. Maddy lo sabe; a Owen le cuesta verlo.
La locuaz fotografía va dando claves combinando colores, no solo oscuros y pastel -en tonos ochenteros, de táctel-, sino reivindicativas combinaciones. Incluso revelan el estado mental del prota. Inmersión cinematográfica.
Perderlo todo para ganar o seguir en la rueda. Intentar vivir o ser un zombi, muerto por dentro
#popazo #movie #movies #cinema #cine #film #films #drama #horror #terror #isawtheglow #lgbt #queer
A Certain Monday – Beatrice Holloway #Drama #Preview https://tslbooks.uk/a-certain-monday-beatrice-holloway
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini Venice offers 9 residential scholarships to PhD & postdoc students for spending 2 months in Venice at the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture.
Relevant fields: #arthistory , history of #venice #literature #musicology #ethnomusicology #drama , early printed books, comparative cultures, spiritualities, #digitalhumanities .
Deadline: 30 June 2025
Snowed Inn Up North – Kim Wedler #Preview #Drama https://tslbooks.uk/snowed-inn-up-north-kim-wedler-preview-drama
Z #NowPlaying in 20 minutes, it's Chrissie on Air hosted by Chrissie Cochrane, with #pop, #drama and #jazz. Tune in and find out what it's all about at https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband We also have a text message board at http://theglobalvoice.info/chatroom. #TGVRadio
Aftermath – Barbara Towell #Preview #Drama https://tslbooks.uk/aftermath-barbara-towell
Forty years on, #Threads has lost none of its dramatic power. Its shocking depiction of the aftermath of a #nuclear attack sears itself into your mind.
Last night I showed Threads to my #GenZ daughter for the first time. As Russia withdraws from its nuclear non-proliferation treaties and now France proposes expanding its nuclear umbrella, the message of Threads is unfortunately as relevant now as it was in 1984.
Of course. Now that I'm getting ready to go to sleep, I gotta end with one of my favorites. Dramatic, revengeful, beautifully cut.
So you want to star a war by IfSheHadWings
#JinGuangyao #nieHuisang all the rest, so great, so sad. #drama #TheUntamed
(Now, go change your clocks!)
Bang Dream Ave Mujica – Episode 10 – Reviving Ave Mujica
Tags: #BanGDream #AveMujica #comedy #drama #music
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A staged reading of Joanna Baillie’s 1798 comedy THE TRYAL. The text has been modified for the stage: it has been shortened overall but there is also a scene added to clarify the plot.
The Authorship Debate: Who Is the Real Shakespeare?
The Shakespeare Authorship Debate concerns the ongoing mystery as to the true author of the plays, sonnets and other works attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford Upon Avon.
By Lauren Jones
Shakespeare at PG:
I started in 2009, on nightshifts in an ( Amsterdam -Schiphol) - airport-convenience store.
In the quiet hours, suggested by a Canadian/Chinese forum-aquintance, living and working in SK that year.
Not much available , all in low-resolution .
Not expecting anything, but hooked till now :)
Said this before: The cast is often stunning. But what is more: They can really act ! Not so impressed by modern West these days.
New K-drama is good often, but still like old #drama too !
Z #NowPlaying in 20 minutes, it's Chrissie on Air repeat hosted by Chrissie Cochrane, with #pop, #drama and #jazz. Tune in and find out what it's all about at https://theglobalvoice.info:8443/broadband #TGVRadio