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Appel à contributions pour la revue exPositions : « Genre et sexualité dans les expositions des collections muséales »

La revue attend vos propositions d’articles sur cette question, pour un numéro à paraître en 2026


exPositionAppel à contributions - exPositionAppel à publication – prochain numéro de la revue exPosition (n° 9, 2024) : « L’éco-responsabilité dans les pratiques d’exposition »

Heute enden die Stellen von Ranjamrittika Bhowmik, Pegah Byroum-Wand, Lukas Fuchsgruber und Roos Hopman im Verbundprojekt „Museums and Society – Mapping the Social“ (museumsandsociety.net)

Das Projekt läuft im Oktober 2024 aus. Wir blicken auf über drei Jahre gemeinsame Arbeit zu Museen, Gesellschaft und sozialen Bewegungen zurück.

Noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen ein Film von Ranjamrittika Bhowmik und zwei Bücher von Pegah Byroum-Wand und Lukas Fuchsgruber.

Ranja arbeitet an einem Film mit dem Titel „Goddess Durga Unveiled: The Timeless Power of Emotion“, der den Spuren von Durgā als Museumsobjekt, als lebendige Göttin und als Ikone weiblicher Macht nachgeht.

Lukas schreibt ein Buch zur Politik von digitalen Sammlungen. Updates dazu gibt es auch auf seinem Blog nullmuseum.hypotheses.org/

Pegah arbeitet an ihrer Publikation „MachtKritikKollaboration – Praxisrefexionen zwischen Aktivismus, Museum und Universität“.

My work in the project "Museums and Society - Mapping the Social" comes to an end this summer.

These are zines done with students that came out of seminars from 2021-2024 at TU Berlin on museum data and social issues, critical annotations, virtual reality, and politics of representation.

Two of these seminars were co-taught with my colleagues Freya Schwachenwald and Pegah Byroum-Wand. Some layouts were done by working groups of students themselves, and several by our student researchers in the project, Meryem Coşkun and Julia Reidy. Thanks so much!

You find the PDFs on the website of our project museumsandsociety.net/ and soon on a long-term repository.

Images of the World / Weltbilder: A publication on the construction of foreignness and otherness in art.

This booklet in German and English documents a seminar held at the TU Berlin in 2022. The seminar examined how art is used to negotiate and construct worldviews and ideas of foreignness and otherness.

The students explored this question across various Berlin museum collections and with references to other locations such as the Berlin Zoo, focusing primarily on paintings.

Previous version was an interactive website:

The PDF of the booklet can be downloaded here:

#museumsandsociety #arthistory #museumstudies #kunstgeschichte
#museumsarenotneutral #museum #museums #colonialism #newmuseology #berlin #studentprojects #zines

Publikation: Weltbilder / Images of the World (booklet is in German and English, EN post: hcommons.social/@nullmuseum/11)

Dieses Heft dokumentiert ein Seminar im Sommersemester 2022 an der TU Berlin. Das Seminar untersuchte, wie mit Kunst Weltbilder und Ideen von Fremd- und Andersheit verhandelt und konstruiert werden.

Quer durch verschiedene Berliner Museumssammlungen und mit Bezügen zu anderen Orten wie dem Berliner Zoo, untersuchten die Studierenden diese Frage vor allem an Gemälden.

Zuvor erschien eine interaktive Webseite:

Das Seminar im wurde geleitet von Freya Schwachenwald und Lukas Fuchsgruber. Die Umsetzung als Webseite und Heft erfolgte durch Meryem Coşkun und Julia Reidy (studentische Mitarbeiterinnen im Projekt Museums and Society), unter Verwendung der Referate und Gruppenarbeiten im Seminar.

PDF Download:

#museumsandsociety #museums #museum #arthistory #museumstudies #kunstgeschichte

Appel à contributions !
"Montrer les collections médiévales" -> on attend vos réflexions sur la façon d'exposer les œuvres du Moyen Âge, sur les discours induits par les expositions, les collections des œuvres de la période, etc.


Faites circuler et n'hésitez pas à envoyez vos propositions !

exPositionAppel à contributions - exPositionAppel à publication – prochain numéro de la revue exPosition (n° 9, 2024) : « L’éco-responsabilité dans les pratiques d’exposition »

The recording of the KuK-Tuesday on 16 Jan 2024 is now available.

KuK-Tuesday: “Dislocation & Object Lives”


Lizza May David Painter and multidisciplinary artist, Berlin

Dr Emily Teo Project associate, Gotha Research Centre, Erfurt University

Moderated by me. Curated by Diệu Ly Hoàng and Freya Schwachenwald

From the announcement:
From historical research to artistic intervention in collections today, this roundtable invites to critically reflect on the entangled histories of collecting and the construction of difference. What was considered as “Asian” objects? How were these objects collected? What happened to the objects through dislocation? And how to reimagine the relationship between object and human lives today?

#museumstudies #museums #collections #asianart #dislocations #arthistory


The zines that our students have produced in the recent years by investigating museum collections and by applying critical theory of race, class and gender. Some of them you can already download on the website of Museums & Society - Mapping the Social (these two are in German):



From the exhibition at Berlin Science Week in the beginning of November:

On top of these paintings from Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, you see diagrams of historical information provided by the museum in their online catalogue and from a project with art history students at TU Berlin, who were digging deeper into questions of power and violence in 19th century paintings. These diagrams were produced by students of Critical Data Studies in Aarhus in October 2023, who received the info from the previous seminar.

These diagrams confront the usual concept of museum databases, where you would only have a limited scope of data about the paintings (size, author, date, etc.) and then a historical perspective in a text description. Transforming the museum description and further historical research into a data graph, brings them in touch with what usually is considered museum data.