Not to brag, but #phanpy has scheduled posts all of a sudden
Hey Mastodon and especially #rstats folks, what Mastodon web/iOS clients are you using? @materov, any thoughts?
For a couple of days, I have been using #phanpy in the web — it's not too bad, pretty responsive, and I like the boost carousel, which helps declutter the main feed. But I am looking for other alternatives, especially for handheld devices.
@sharan My guess is that enough open-source, free apps will be created in lieu of for-profit apps. #Phanpy is a nice example of this. I don't blame for-profit entities for moving away if they can't find profit in the #Fediverse. Many of us still stay on #Mastodon because of principles, and we're ok that it's a smaller community than #Bluesky.
After using @phanpy for a while, I come to understand just how great this Mastodon web client is:
This is what you'd expect from a "modern" web client, i.e. it meets expectations you'll have from using other top-notch web UIs that were built with the users in mind (and with minimal, state-of-the-art frontend technologies).
Also, it's got such a great logo
Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich angefangen, für mich interessante Toots über das Smartphone in die Lesezeichen aufzunehmen, hauptsächlich solche, die Links auf Videos oder Artikel enthalten, die ich aber nicht am Smartphone sondern übers Notebook anschauen will.
In Phanpy lasse ich mir dafür die Lesezeichen als eigene Spalte anzeigen, so dass ich die Toots dann darüber wieder finde.
Wow, Jupiter, thanks for this extensive and insightful overview of issues to think about when considering #Friendica.
I think @stefanbohacek should be interested in it b/c of his Fedi intro tool
"Friendica's own frontend can be modified extensively with themes built into a node. But there are no full-blown third-party frontends that completely replace Friendica's built-in frontend like #Phanpy fully replaces...
Absolutely loving my Social Media life these days.
As I say to many, your mileage may differ. I think it all comes down to who you chose to engage with, and the topics you reply to.
We all have the choice to be on certain services and not on others. We should all abide and respect the choices others make in this regard.
My main Social Media area these days is the Fediverse, particularly through a GoToSocial ActivityPub instance named Wonderful software, instance, admin, and neighbours!
Since 2009 I was on a Mastodon instance named It started off really well with good chats on the local timeline. However, over the past year certain people and their followers came in, the local chats got strained, and quite painful at times, and I knew I needed to move on. I was friendly with the owner, and moderators, but the time had come.
To access I use Phanpy on a browser, and Tusky on my Android Phone.
For browser access I did use Semaphore for a while. Very clean and effective, but Phanpy is like KDE vs Mate. To me this is a good thing. I do use Semaphore at times to check on Follow Requests and to currently "Delete and Redraft" as needed.
Telegram is a large part of my life. I use it to talk with many friends, including Arianna and my Sister Catriona, podcrawl and Linux groups, as well as my own Christian group.
I'm still on Facebook, and yes I question that daily.
For now I am there.
As I said at the start, this is my choice, and I am there for really good friends, family, and groups.
A few weeks ago I activated my Instagram account, which had been set up for no follows and privates, just so I could view content as needed.
I was getting so many requests from good friends if I was on there, and ok... "caved in", but my involvement is relatively minimal. Mostly posting my own photos and commenting on those of friends.
Well, that's my online life, and it is good.
Feel free to reply back with questions, and DM as needed.
#SocialMedia #Fediverse #GoToSocial #Mastodon #ActivityPub #Phanpy #Tusky #Semaphore #Telegram #Facebook #Instagram
Absolutely loving my Social Media life these days.
As I say to many, your mileage may differ. I think it all comes down to who you chose to engage with, and the topics you reply to.
We all have the choice to be on certain services and not on others. We should all abide and respect the choices others make in this regard.
My main Social Media are these days is the Fediverse, particularly through a GoToSocial ActivityPub instance named Wonderful software, instance, admin, and neighbours!
Since 2009 I was on a Mastodon instance named It started off really well with good chats on the local timeline. However, over the past year certain people and their followers came in, the local chats got strained, and quite painful at times, and I knew I needed to move on. I was friendly with the owner, and moderators, but the time had come.
To access I use Phanpy on a browser, and Tusky on my Android Phone.
For browser access I did use Semaphore for a while. Very clean and effective, but Phanpy is like KDE vs Mate. To me this is a good thing. I do use Semaphore at times to check on Follow Requests and to currently "Delete and Redraft" as needed.
Telegram is a large part of my life. I use it to talk with many friends, including Arianna and my Sister Catriona, podcrawl and Linux groups, as well as my own Christian group.
I'm still on Facebook, and yes I question that daily.
For now I am there.
As I said at the start, this is my choice, and I am there for really good friends, family, and groups.
A few weeks ago I activated my Instagram account, which had been set up for no follows and privates, just so I could view content as needed.
I was getting so many requests from good friends if I was on there, and ok... "caved in", but my involvement is relatively minimal. Mostly posting my own photos and commenting on those of friends.
Well, that's my online life, and it is good.
Feel free to reply back with questions, and DM as needed.
#SocialMedia #Fediverse #GoToSocial #Mastodon #ActivityPub #Phanpy #Tusky #Semaphore #Telegram #Facebook #Instagram
De mon côté je vous recommande #phanpy que je trouve plus intéressant que elk.
is there perchance an undocumented command in #phanpy to show my notifications; it is so nice in so many ways to keep my fingers on the keyboard, but every so often…
Also the ReadMore doesn't like x or c.
Da qualche giorno, grazie ad @amministratore ho abbandonato #Tusky, il mio client #mastodon preferito in ambiente Android. L'ho fatto perché ho conosciuto #Phanpy ( una webapp molto innovativa, che permette tra le sue varie funzioni, di mettere il becco nelle altre istanze del fediverso, permettendo di seguire le timeline locali delle altre community.
Ce petit bout d'interface est vraiment génial sur Phanpy. En gros, il apparaît sur tous les pouets où l'auteur ou l'autrice a répondu directement à son propre pouet, ou est la réponse à un de ses propres pouets, créant de facto un thread/fil.
Comme ça, on comprend tout de suite que soit il faut « ouvrir » le pouet pour voir la suite, soit qu'on peut comprendre le contexte avec ce qui a été publié avant.
J'aimerais vraiment voir apparaitre ça sur toutes les interfaces
Periodic reminder that is a fantastic web app for Mastodon. I have it installed on my phone's home screen and it works better than many native apps.
TIL you can install Phanpy on macOS now too! Open Phanpy in Safari, then go to File -> Add to Dock...
You'll have a dock icon to launch Phanpy, and it will run separately from your browsers. When you click links, they'll open in your default browser.
Have i gone blind? Afaict, the current version of #GlitchSoc used in #InfosecSpace , no longer lets us specify a character-number beyond which toots will automatically fold / collapse. I regarded that as a major reason for even bothering to favour a
instance [along with, ofc, its support of Markdown formatting].
Maybe this is not even a recent change / degradation? Over recent months i've been repeatedly hopping between the native Masto web page, & #Statuzer, #Phanpy, & #Sengi, so possibly the change happened "unsighted" by me, months ago?
What a bugger!
@jerry - have you heard anything from upstream wrt if they plan to restore this feature, pls?
This is pretty disappointing, not least given the several months-old bug that broke correct behaviour of Unread notifications badge: Display a badge for unread notifications in the column icons when the notifications column isn't open
in the #AdvancedWebInterface remains unfixed.
Oon koittanu androidilla ja Applen alustalla monia eri appeja, sekä virallisia että kolmannen osapuolen, mutta nykyään huomaan käyttäväni eniten sellaista kuin #phanpy, ja sehän löytyy osoitteesta #mastodonvinkki 3/5