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Projektil, Sendung für März 2025 Synonym für Chaos und Gewalt oder Idee einer Gesellschaft ohne Zwang und Angst? Eine Annäherung.... mehr
Now playing on LABR: Banging in Brighton 16 DJ Liam Wabbit! Tune in now at https://labr.online #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np
Non #Brits can ignore this from the start but I am taking advantage of my new character limit to rant about The Archers and racism :)
This week’s BBC Radio 4 Feedback had a fun segment on the new Muslim characters in The Archers and their celebrations of Ramadan, which this year happens during Lent. It’s really brought out the little-Britain brigade, and shows why Nigel Farage is so popular – And why I left. There wasn’t a single non-racist caller-inner.
Here’s a summary of the calls to the BBC (whose mission from 1922 is to: “Inform, educate, entertain”) in case I ever decide I want to go back there in some mad moment of thinking I miss the place.
From Jackie in Surrey (It's always a Jackie in Surrey):
"I am a regular Archers listener, and I do want to pick the Archers up on the current focus on fasting for Ramadan. I am all in favour of diversity in explaining about Ramadan in this context but what about mentioning it is also Lent? I am an Orthodox Christian, and we also fast during the whole of Lent by cutting out meat, fish, dairy products, and cutting down the amount eaten. This has been the practice for centuries, and only the Western Christians over many years reduced this so that now fasting is almost unknown. But at the very least, Lent should be mentioned. Where is the vicar?"
[Note: Lent was very much mentioned, Linda and Mr Malec had a little verbal spar about which religion had to give up the most, and which was hardest: Lent or Ramadan – And all the other religious show characters are still doing Lent stuff.]
Hello, feedback. I'm Judith Conzen, and I'm phoning from Ilford in East London (And my racist tool for the day will be sarcasm, please Bob):
“I'm intrigued to note that Linda Snell is embracing religious practice and fasting for Ramadan. I'll be listening intently to hear if she follows up on Yom Kippur, which this year will fall on October 2.
From Patricia Farrell:
“I am shocked that during the time of Lent, a time that is sacred to followers of Jesus Christ, There is no mention at all of our Christian religion during this important period. It's very upsetting that the program supports Ramadan, but absolutely sidesteps any mention of lent. BBC bias? I think so.
Hello. My name is Morris Press, and I am from Teddington in Middlesex. [I could have guessed that within about 20 words]:
“I have been an Archer's listener for over sixty years. However, I never thought the BBC would impose their new woke policy on Ambridge. Last week's episode of the Malecs and Linda sitting down to a Ramadan meal and prayers was a real low for me."
Richard, Dumfriesshire (Aah! Finally a famously unsectarian and tolerant area):
“The Islamization of the Archers proceeds at pace with the Snells fasting for Ramadan as Easter approaches is Alan the vicar joining in with his Hindu wife Usha? We've always been told how racist the countryside is. Perhaps all will be resolved for the tearoom's pancake eating contest.”
Now some listeners echo the views of Sylvia Delico from Northamptonshire (Are we ever going to get any from Birmingham or Leeds?):
“Well, I'm not offended by the Muslim characters observing Ramadan [That’s nice of you!]. I do find it offensive that two Christian characters are being woke by fasting alongside them. This is supposedly a story of everyday country folk who live in a farming community; and are not led to promote the BBC's woke identity.”
From Andy [Who it seems has never listened to The Archers]
“The idea Linda Snell would fast is nonsense. It's one thing to introduce them to the village. No one could object to that. But the prayers and doctrine have no place in an everyday story of country folk.”
[“Them” – Yes Andy, we see, turn down that dog whistle won't'cha?]
[Narrative: In this case, it's not the inclusion of Ramadan, but the fact that one of the best known couples in Ambridge, Linda and Robert Snell, are joining in. How convinced are you, Cara, by Linda Snell's involvement? Some of our listeners are saying that it feels a little out of character. I disagree. I think this is absolutely something that Linda would do, and I kinda smirked when she, admittedly, a bit like a boy in the china shop, just went in and goes, I'm doing Ramadan with you.
Linda's a very curious person. She's somebody who's very interested, and she's also somebody that when they're in their guest house, she wants to make them feel as comfortable and at home as possible. And that, for me, I wasn't at all surprised when Linda said this. And, actually, within our group as well, people have really welcomed how this storyline has played out, because they've learned quite a lot along the way as well about their neighbours or friends and their faith practice.]
As you were! Rant over!
The Rule Breakers with Charlotte Hooper is on now https://ift.tt/myl6EhS #rock #radio #goodtimes #hrhrocks
Diese Idee, eine Platte in zwei Versionen zu veröffentlichen, eine mit einer Vollmond- und die andere mit einer Neumond-Seite ist so typisch britisch, passt auch gut zum Wassermann und macht beim Durchhören und vergleichen auch so richtig Spaß! Danke für diese verspielte Möglichkeit des Hörerlebnisses, lieber #PeterGabriel #musiclove #byteFM #radio https://www.byte.fm/sendungen/kramladen/2025-02-13/23/peter-gabriel-zum-75-geburtstag-io-inputoutput/
Saturn solidifies its title as moon king with the discovery of 128 new moons
With a whopping total of 274 moons, researchers say Saturn’s tug of war with Jupiter for the title is settled once and for all.
#space #science #astronomy #planets #Radio #AsItHappens
LOL in between exciting jazz pieces on https://coopradio.org they just spent about five minutes telling and explaining math and physics jokes
it's not a math/physics show, it's a music show
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Now playing on LABR: Midweek Workday Chill Mix 208 - (Black Rock Edition 05) Brother Soul! Tune in now at https://labr.online #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np