if R2 is short for R2-D2, and Chewie is short for Chewbacca, what's Luke short for?
A stormtrooper
if R2 is short for R2-D2, and Chewie is short for Chewbacca, what's Luke short for?
A stormtrooper
From the set of The Mandalorian and Grogu film featuring BDX Droids built by Walt Disney Imagineering.
John Knoll, in episode 14 of the Lighter, Darker podcast: "… I’d had… some experience doing software development…" He and his brother Thomas wrote Photoshop. #ILM #vfx #STARWARS #SkeletonCrew #photoshop @tvaziri
@FotoVorschlag 'Dinge, die mit X beginnen' #FotoVorschlag
Ein X-Wing mit seinem Piloten an Bord.
Diese etwas fragwürdige Darstellung stammt aus so etwas wie einem Überraschungs-Ei. Ob das nun ein Original eines bekannten Produzenten war oder ein ähnliches Produkt, weiß ich nicht mehr.
Checks out.
Make your #starWars name by switching first consonant of a two word food item.
Dot Hog, Arne Cassada, Mig Bac.
If everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day, does that mean they're Mexican
on Cinco de Mayo?
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
The first 3 episodes of ANDOR are streaming free on YouTube.
1977 is STAR WARS for me, so anything that genuinely supports/enhances that story (without feeling contrived or opportunistic) is sacred for me.
ROGUE ONE got close. ANDOR gets closer. It's really well done.
Suuuuuch a good show. Definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it yet!
#Disney is making the season 1 of #Andor available to #StarWars fans ahead of the show's Season 2 return. The live-action Star Wars prequel is now available to stream on #Hulu and #youtube.
The entirety of Andor Season 1 is now streaming on Hulu until April 22, when Season 2 debuts exclusively on Disney+. The first 3 episodes of Andor are also available to stream on the Disney+ YouTube channel.
#Andor #StarWars #DisneyPlus #Hulu #YouTube
"Lucasfilm has announced that the entirety of Andor Season 1 is now streaming on Hulu until Tuesday, April 22, when Season 2 debuts exclusively on Disney+. The first three episodes of Andor are also available to stream on the Disney+ YouTube channel."
Andor | Season 1 Recap | Streaming on Disney+ and Hulu
Man I’ve been so lazy these days… Next up for #vinylalphabet is Star Wars The Mandalorian season 2. This season was different with monster of the week style episodes of I recall correctly and still enjoyable. Enjoyed getting some new tasty tracks from Mr. Göransson though. #vinyl #originalsoundtrack #starwars #themandalorian #ludwiggoransson
#WordWeavers 3.11 — What’s your most useful skill that could help you in your story’s world?
Minding my own business! I'd be able to survive just by doing that. To be fair, it's a dog eat dog galaxy. You have to do what you can to remain amongst the living. I'd probably be a tarot reader on the street, catching coin / credits whenever I can. I'm a medium, so it fits. You need to get in contact with your lost loved ones? Come talk to me, for a price.
Me: *sees something shady happening*
Me: *minds my own business and leaves*
Me: I didn't see a thing, officer. Sorry.
#WordWeavers 3.10 — What is the most useful skill your SC has?
I have so many SCs to choose from here. Let's go with Director Orson Krennic. His greatest skill is that sharp tongue of his. He can talk himself out of a lot of situations. It makes him dangerous. (Of course, we know how things end for him.)
#WordWeavers 3.9 — Could you survive a day in your MC’s shoes?
No. Not a single moment, nor a day. I wouldn't make it. In any case, I would be on the opposing side in this story. I'd have to be one of the rebels, and I wouldn't be able to survive as one of them, either. I'm a gentle panda.
#WordWeavers 3.8 — Which one of your characters is in the least safe situation?
Lady Disa is often on the ground during any wars or assignments, therefore it's always dangerous for her. It's a good thing she's as skilled as she is.
#WordWeavers 3.7 — Which one of your characters is in the safest situation?
If I had to choose, it would be Governor Tarkin. It's a hard choice to make, though. Wilhuff is in the safest "situation" right now, only because he's always aboard the Sovereign (his ship). Besides, he's a dangerous enough man on his own. He can take care of himself.
New Strip Found: Darths and Droids by The Comic Irregulars
Episode 2594: The Funky Ribbon https://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/2594.html