From the article:
“Since the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the end of Reconstruction in 1873, Jim Crow had spread its way across the former Confederacy. Many attempts had been made to stop or resist it. These were all met with overwhelming violence from the white community: met with murder, rape, the burning of entire neighborhoods. In addition to extravagant acts of violence, like the Tulsa Massacre in which between 36 and 300 were murdered, Jim Crow was maintained by routine acts of personal violence: more than four thousand men and women were lynched across the United States in this period that we know of.”
I wonder if so many Americans giving up on democracy is related to the success of the civil rights movement. Racists didn’t change their minds by the moral arguments or the logic of pointing out the discrepancies of American ideals vs the reality for people of color. They just found ways to subvert what was done legislatively.