There is no requirement to relinquish citizenship when becoming a naturalised Australian so this law would allow him to effectively deport nearly a quarter of the population.
There is no requirement to relinquish citizenship when becoming a naturalised Australian so this law would allow him to effectively deport nearly a quarter of the population.
The dystopian "freedom cities" dream fueling Elon Musk's destruction
Tech's plans for billionaire-rule expose why #Musk wants to end #government by the people
"what the #SiliconValley billionaire class considers "freedom cities" is simply neo-feudalism, a plan to end the concept of #citizenship & make every working person a serf whose entire life is controlled by the whims of their boss. "
Canada has denied permanent resident status to a former officer of the Philippine National Police for his role in the Duterte administration's bloody war on drugs, citing a law that bars entry and residence to those who have "[violated] human or international rights."
#Philippines #Asian #Canada #HumanRights #Crime #Police #Citizenship #Duterte @pinoy
#Trump asked #SCOTUS to okay plan to end #BirthrightCitizenship
Trump asked the #SupremeCourt on Thurs to allow US ofcls to begin implementing a limited plan to end birthright #citizenship for #children born in the #UnitedStates to undocumented immigrants & visitors.
Judges in 3 states have issued nationwide orders blocking Trump’s #ExecutiveOrder, which #CivilRights groups & Democratic-led states say is clearly at odds w/the nation’s history & the #Constitution.
'Lost Canadians' can now get citizenship while update to law faces delays
Immigration Minister Marc Miller is giving so-called "lost Canadians" a chance to receive Canadian citizenship, now that court-mandated legislation will not be passed by the deadline.
#immigration #law #citizenship #News #Politics
U.S. citizen child recovering from brain cancer deported to Mexico with undocumented parents #fascism #kakistocracy #HumanRights #Citizenship
Congressional #Republicans are pushing a #Trump backed bill that would make sweeping changes to #VoterRegistration, including requiring those signing up to present documents proving US #citizenship. But tens of millions of Americans say they don't have easy access to such documents, & critics say the proposal would dramatically depress voter participation.
#law #VotingRights #CivilRights #USpol
#WHM repost: “World War Two Poster Marking the Dignity and Humanity of Black Women on the Home Front” blogged at
Repost for #WomensHistoryMonth: ”Daisy Bates takes a walk – Activist Daisy Bates picketing with placard: 'Jailing our youth will not solve the problem in Little Rock. We are only asking for full citizenship rights.'" Ca. 1957.
Via NYPL, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Demonstrations Collection,
the majority of Venezuelans who have gotten citizenship have, historically been part of the former petroburgeousie. many had the capital to get pay-to-play citizenship. that’s the “reform” passed by neoliberals sometime during the Bush or Obama era (can’t remember): you literally buy up citizenship thru several “investment” schemes.
Venezuelans historically vote REPUBLICAN. they gave Florida to Bush and Trump, TWICE.
now Trump is going after them, looking to take away their #citizenship.
Anticolonial citizenship: from slavery to Windrush
"The histories of European empires are replete with examples of citizenship contestation, wherein colonised peoples sought to leverage their partial ‘insider’ status to advance claims for greater inclusion under imperial rule. In this article, I argue that these examples disclose a hitherto under-theorised form of ‘citizenship as claims-making’, which I refer to as ‘anticolonial citizenship’."
I got a hold of the new #US #Citizenship exam. It's shorter than before, it just says
My friend sent me this.
We are to sing it OVER the mairikkkan anthem at hockey games, etc.
much love! #canada #mexico #cdpoli #elbowsup #fascism #antifa #racism #ice #immigration
Also, Canada should dissolve its racist economic #slavery #temporaryforeignworkersprogram and build an agreement with Mexico on deeply empowered #workvisas, with #citizenship pathways.
Sooooouch we can do with Mexico withOUT the USA.
And this is Australia’s ‘inflection point’. A decision is clearly necessary to be made by our govts to open up the country and outright #citizenship to all whose pacific Island nation is about to be gobbled up by rising sea level caused by the first world mostly, due to fossil fuel exploitation and combustion. Come on #AlboPM, wouldn’t that kind of announcement gladden the hearts of #PacificIslanders ? Wouldn’t we, Australians one and all, rejoice at extending a helping hand to those we already seek to keep within our sphere of influence? Wouldn’t it be the neighbourly and right thing to do? It would boost your election chances I’m sure (not with RWNJs, I conceed, but fuck them!).
#PacifIcIslandNations #auspol
Good news!
Citizenship in Alpha Complex is completely free of charge, automatic, and compulsory for all.
Top left, $5M immigration card. Bottom left, $7.5M; top right, $10M. Bottom right $20M includes face on Mt Rushmore. While he tries to end birthright citizenship.
The #DailyShow #parody #USA #reality #show #beats #TheOnion #life #trumps the #onion #cover #charge to #USA #citizenship #fascists #ending #birth #right #citizen #SCOTUS #KingTrump #above #law #no #person #is #iillegal #immigrants #human #rights #conservatives #target the #most #vulnerable #among #us for #political #gain
An online petition calling on the Canadian government to revoke Elon Musk's citizenship has been signed by more than 300,000 people (when told this on X, Musk replied, in a now-deleted post, "Canada is not a real country"). But according to experts, that's highly unlikely to happen. @cbcnews explains why.
While there are more than a quarter-million signatures on the petition to strip Musk of his #Canadian #citizenship - something the government of #Canada cannot do without altering a lot of laws first - there is an order of maginitude fewer signatures on the petition to block #Trump's entry into Canada:
e-5345 (Foreign affairs):
Sponsored by #MP #CharlieAngus
I predict this will go over very, very badly with his supporters.
"#Trump floats $5 million '#GoldCard' as a route to #US #citizenship"