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"Over the last two years, Rogan and his band of politically incorrect merry men in Texas, have grown more openly partisan and more explicitly right-wing. But their brand of politics looks nothing like the WASPy Chamber of Commerce conservatism of old that hates gays and loves austerity.

It’s a bit of a “Don’t Tread on Me,” Bro-style of Ron Paul–adjacent libertarianism that favors free markets, low taxes, and deregulated vices — everyone should be able to do drugs, gamble on sports, watch porn, and trade crypto on demand. They also agree with Democrats on gay marriage and abortions but can’t stand liberals’ sometimes shrill moralism when it comes to matters of top-down diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and what they consider the “woke” agenda. It’s what some have branded “Barstool Conservatism” after Barstool Sports and its obnoxious founder, Dave Portnoy. But Rogan’s politics are less Barstool than Portnoy and others in the Manosphere. He sometimes sounds more like a disaffected progressive. “Free health care? Yes!” Rogan once told his Mothership audience. “Education for all? Right on! Men can get pregnant — fuck! I didn’t realize it was a package deal.”

But that disaffection, plus the courting of his big audience among those in MAGAworld has led Rogan to become something during the 2024 election cycle that he wasn’t before — a quirky but relatively garden-variety Republican talking head, like a tattooed Tucker Carlson. Roughly a third of his shows now feature right-leaning pundits and tech CEOs to riff on, say, cancel culture and the joys of dismantling the federal government. Rogan’s now something like the court jester for Big Tech and MAGA’s counterrevolution."


jacobin.comThe Meaning of Joe RoganJoe Rogan built his empire by presenting himself as an entertaining, independent commentator. He gave it up for the 2024 election.

US #influencer #scum not only litter every fucking square inch of America, they’ve also littered every square cm virtually every other country.

They should all be drawn and quartered. Just scum.

Bad thing is that because most are young they’d get sanctuary before decent people would



Daily Mail · US tourist's appalling act sparks calls for her to be deported from Australia: 'This is heinous'By Antoinette Milienos

"With #antisemitism surging, #Israeli #influencer and #author #HenMazzig is launching a new online series “And They’re #Jewish,” headlined by #celebrities including Emmanuelle Chriqui, Debra Messing and Mayim Bialik.

The #series, which will air weekly on #Mazzig’s #YouTube channel beginning April 2, was created in an effort to humanize Jewish people via the personal stories of high-profile participants who explore how they engage with their #religion and #heritage."


Debra Messing Emmanuelle Chriqui Mayim Bialik Hen Mazzig
Variety · Debra Messing, Mayim Bialik to Headline ‘And They’re Jewish’By Tatiana Siegel

Menschen des #Fediverse. Ich habe beschlossen, der erste hauptberufliche #Mastodon-#Influencer (und damit stinkreich) zu werden. Und weil wir hier im guten Teil des Internets sind, influence ich natürlich nicht für Marken oder Produkte, sondern für den guten Sch**ß: Liebe, Frieden und gute Musik. Spread the word and send your money! 💸

From Chaos to Clarity, Using Systems Thinking to Make Sense of Complexity
This review is for the book club. Next month we're reading A System for Writing by Bob Doto. Check out the future reads and join 500 other book lovers

Most of us interact with complex problems daily. If it's not in your job, look a
#BookClub #influencer #overwork #resilient #SystemsThinking #zettelkasten

curtismchale.caFrom Chaos to Clarity, Using Systems Thinking to Make Sense of Complexity – Curtis McHale

→ I'm quitting Instagram. You should too.

“[A]fter 13 years on Instagram, amassing 80,000 followers, and having monetarily benefited from being an influencer, I am finally leaving Instagram.”

“Join me. It’s time to delete your Instagram.”

Mashable · Instagram made me money and gave me community. I'm still leaving.By Lennon Torres
I might be one of the few people in Finland who haven't followed #sarasieppi's career or news written about her. But I wanted to read her biography #olikssullavieläjotain.

It's an amazing book, honest+very detailed story. She was dreaming about being #missfinland already as a kid. A career of a #misssuomi is not the easiest one, but tough work that requires a lot. And she has lost a lot too: her privacy (as 19yo😭), the trust in people, important people and partly her health too.

Teens are dreaming about an #influencer career. I hope they read this to think again. Is this really what they want?

A quote:

"I no longer dream of being a millionaire. I rather dream of being happy and being able to enjoy life.
I want to pause to admire a beautiful sunset, watch one more episode of my favorite show in the arms of someone I love. To forget my phone at home and live a wonderful moment without taking a single picture of it."

#kirjamastodon #bookstodon

Untersuchung der Rolle von Influencern im digitalen Zeitalter und deren Auswirkungen auf das Ernährungs- und Konsumverhalten von Jugendlichen in der Sekundarstufe. Die Ergebnisse bieten wertvolle Impulse für zukünftige medienpädagogische Unterrichtsstrategien in der Ernährungs- und Verbraucherbildung!
#Ernährungsbildung #Medienpädagogik #Influencer #Jugendliche #Konsumverhalten #Bildungsforschung

#Justiz #Rechtsstaat #Demokratie #Influencer #Jurabubble #TeamResopal

Tja, so kann's gehen: gerade musste ich mir noch von meinen Kindern erklären lassen, was ein Influencer ist, plötzlich bin ich selber einer.

Dem Norm-Bild des Influencers entspreche ich zwar vermutlich weder nach Alter noch Optik. Über die Auszeichnung freue ich mich trotzdem, weil damit Impact und Mehrwert gewürdigt werden sollen.

Und genau darum geht es mir, egal ob auf LinkedIn, Mastodon, im gemeinsamen Podcast "Samt_vs_Seide" mit @Stephanie Beyrich (neue Folgen jeden Sonntag auf Instagram, TikTok, Youtube und Peertube) oder auch bei Vorträgen und sonstigen Auftritten: ich möchte Menschen verständlich machen, warum ein funktionierender Rechtsstaat mit einer unabhängigen Justiz keine esoterische Sache für abgedrehte Jurist*innen ist, sondern konkret davon die Freiheit jedes einzelnen Menschen abhängt.

Und ich möchte so Engagement ermutigen für das Recht - das eigene und das der anderen. Denn Recht gibt es immer nur für alle - sonst nennt man es Macht und Willkür.

Also: Danke an legalnerd.de und Su Reiter für die Blumen und die Badges ;-)
