Fünf wirklich gute Alternativen zu Outlook und Thunderbird
Mail-Programme sind quicklebendig: c't 3003 hat fünf ungewöhnliche Mail-Clients getestet und mit den Standard-Programmen verglichen.
howard's being brilliant again and there's a new release of a great #macOS tool for #logs called #LogUI.
> Although my log browser Ulbow gives much better access, for many it’s still a daunting task. I’ve now switched almost entirely to using my new lightweight log browser, LogUI, and here explain how you can use it. Although it’s currently an early release with limited features, you should find it ideal for getting started.
#householdIT #syslog #infosec https://eclecticlight.co/2025/03/14/browse-your-macs-log-with-logui/
If you're a #MacOS user and want to keep a duplicate of your data on another disk that you update regularly, I recommend SuperDuper. You can set it up with an automated routine that automatically updates the backup disk when you plug it in. No lauching the app. No quitting it or ejecting the disk, either. It does all that automatically.
I also use Time Machine to back up my entire system. AND I store important data, encrypted, in the cloud.
@briankrebs why am I not surprised at this?
Needless to say, it was only a matter of time till we see auto-copying #JavaScript to be weaponized for that...
#TIL Default #LibreOffice icon theme for #macos is "Sukapura", named for an old kingdom in Tasikmalaya.
@skinnylatte IDK if @geerlingguy has sone content re: #macOS beyond using it to setup #Ansible.
Monster Voxana Vocals Plugin by Monster DAW VSTI VSTI3 AU Windows MacOS Free
Installing Emacs-Plus on MacOS X Sequoia https://crys.site/blog/2025/emacs-plus-macos-sequoia/
@libreoffice Thank you - great work. Especially enjoying QuickLook Support on #macOS in #LibreOffice and the dark mode for help pages
Do you organize your desktop icons, or is it just a mess of screenshots and downloads?
Apple releases Emergency Security Patch for WebKit Zero-Day Vulnerability.
The vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2025-24201 and was found in the WebKit cross-platform browser engine used by Apple's Safari and many other apps.
Install the Update immediately!!!
[For your device security, it’s a good practice to install updates within 36 hours of becoming available.]
Say “Hello” to DeskMat, and “Goodbye” to your messy Desktop.
Hide your Desktop icons manually, or automatically when specific apps are running or come to the foreground. Perfect for clean streams, screen sharing, and distraction-free work.
Now available for purchase on my website, and soon on the Mac App Store, too!
What exactly is in that new macOS update I'm just trying to work here...
Today on AppAddict - In Search of the Perfect Quotes App - I have collected quotes for years, using various apps, Obsidian Notes, spreadsheets and Google Docs. I am still in search of the elusive perfect, feature packed app. Here's what I would like the app to be able to do.
Features I Want• Import from a spreadsheet containing the quote, author,... - https://appaddict.app/post/in-search-of-the-perfect-quotes-app - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict
Hey Mac folks, have you ever used the sweet little app called "Grand Perspective”?
It's been in my toolkit of free and extremely useful tools for years.
It shows the files on a harddrive represented by large blocks... you can hover over them and see what they are.
The two biggest here are my iMovie Library (no “big” surprise) and iPhoto Library.
But there are also some I forgot about... like the Windows 11 partition (orange double block in the middle), or how big Civilization 6 is, (yellow on the right edge)
Give me 55s of your time, and I'll explain my new app BarCuts to you!
#BarCuts is a #macOS menu bar app that displays #Shortcuts workflows. It allows you to "tag" workflows to an app. When that app is active and in front, BarCuts will show its tagged workflows in a menu. It's pretty nice!
Website: https://actions.work/barcuts
I can't get over how good this looks...
This beautiful 3D printed M4 Mac Mini case uses a 9.7" iPad panel for its display. It features the signatures of the original Mac Team embossed on the bottom. The designer, @jerrod also has a version that works as a display stand for the @trmnl e-ink smart display.
You can check out more of Jerrod's designs and support his work over on Makerworld--