Jim Rooney on the Death of Singer-Songwriter David Mallett
Attached are Jim Rooney's memories of David Mallett. This is no small thing. Rooney is a very long-time and prominent professional in the music and recording businesses.
He got started performing on Boston's WCOP Hayloft Jamboree for my own personal merry mayor, Nelson Bragg, the "Merry Mayor of Milo, Maine" (the place of my very own birth). He has produced Grammy-nominated albums by Tom Paxton, John Prine, and Peter Rowan. Rooney was one of the key players in the rise of Nanci Griffith. Rooney produced at least three albums for a singer-songwriter I much admire, Iris DeMent. Jim Rooney has done a lot since his 1950s start. So, to get a little context here, Rooney's recollections of David Mallett have a great deal of professional weight behind them. This Facebook post by Rooney came from a Web search hitlist on a related but different topic. While going through the hitlist, it was apparent his post had been reposted I don't know how many times. David Mallett was from Sebec, Maine, which shares a town line with my old hometown, Milo. Being easily among his first fans, I have three singles by his 1960s group, The Mallett Brothers, and two tracks by his next duo, Hinkley and Mallett with memorable guitarist Don Hinkley.
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