#FotoVorschlag 'Dinge die mit "X" beginnen oder so aussehen ...' ('Things
that start with "X" or look like it)
#FotoVorschlag 'Dinge die mit "X" beginnen oder so aussehen ...' ('Things
that start with "X" or look like it)
#FotoVorschlag "Dinge, die mit X beginnen oder so aussehen"
Xysticus spec - Buschkrabbenspinne unbestimmt
@stevencudahy #WritingCommunity #CreativeWriting
#WritingChallenge #MastoPrompt #Challenge #Poem #poetry #Haiku
#Prompt: #Prod
Fluff on the carpet
Prod it to see if it moves
Spider runs at me
Spider organs 3d model WIP. The plan is to 3d print in clear resin, with the organs as cavities I can fill with colored paint. I don't know if this will work!
(Spider experts, feel free to offer advice. Be gentle, I'm learning spider biology as I go. This is a mygalomorph.)
We've all been there: You've been hunting a moth all morning, and when you finally land the killing blow, you overcompensate and savage it so violently, you get its wing scales all up in your eyes.
Then a human comes along with a camera to immortalise your embarrassment. Typical!
Juno was indignant that the other human in the house cupped him in plastic jail…
We named the telescope after the iconic huntsman spiders, which are abundant at Siding Spring Observatory, including inside the various telescope buildings. Perhaps the ants took offence that we chose to honour other arthropods and not them.
Mangora acalypha is a tiny spider that is usually placed in the center of the web, but if it feels in danger it may hide in adjacent vegetation. Its webs are not very large, but usually contain more than 60 spokes.
iPhone 15 Pro + lens for close focusing.
Mangora acalypha es una diminuta araña que se suele colocar en el centro de la tela, pero si se siente en peligro puede esconderse en la vegetación adyacente. Sus redes no son muy grandes, pero suelen contener más de 60 radios.
Mangora acalypha ist eine winzige Spinne, die sich normalerweise in der Mitte des Netzes aufhält, aber wenn sie sich in Gefahr fühlt, kann sie sich in der angrenzenden Vegetation verstecken. Ihre Netze sind nicht sehr groß, enthalten aber normalerweise mehr als 60 Speichen.
#macro #macrolens #macrophotography
#insects #animals #aracnids #nature
#shotonmobile #shotoniphone
I was shooting the flowers trying out my new Panasonic 3D LUMIX G 12.5mm lens (modified for macro focus). Got a lucky Crab Spider perfectly focused. Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image. #macro #stereography #stereopair #spider #nature #wildlife #flowers