@GregMorenz @prosebeforehoes #Canada needs a better electoral system for a whole host of reasons including voter participation, #publichealth, and the survival of #democracy. A representative from Fair Vote Canada interviewed on CBC is optimistic that the case can be made for #electoralReform to the PM elect and to candidates throughout the country. We all can do our part to support this.
Glad to see another Canadian YouTuber doing a comprehensive ProRep video
#ProRep #ElectoralReform #Canada
And thanks to #FirstPastThePost, Doug Ford has 100% of the power with just 20% of the vote. Everyone else gets to shut up and sit on their hands for the next four years.
It’s past time for #ElectoralReform.
#PETITION: Establish a National Commission on #ElectoralReform
Be independent and non-partisan – free from political interference and committed to the public good.
Involve experts and everyday people – combining academic research with real-world experience.
Study what works best globally – learning from successful voting systems worldwide.
Ensure the government responds – producing a clear action plan for reform.
If there is anything we need to work on over the next four years in Ontario, it is getting momentum to fix our distorted electoral system, where one party with 43% of the votes gets all the power and smaller parties with fewer votes get more seats than other parties with more votes.
It is time to demand a citizens assembly, and move towards some form of proportional representation in Ontario!
I bet there will be no mention of PR in the near future and no mention of the Voting ID laws which are just Voter Disenfranchisement.
Our politicians and media here in Ireland don't focus enough on the sick state of our Democracy; if 40.3% of registered Irish adults (and even more including those who are eligible but not registered) are not voting, this should be the main story of the election - that is double the percentage of people who voted for the largest party in the last election.
#Ireland #Democracy #MoreDemocracy #DemocraticReform #ElectoralReform #RightToVote #VoteAbroad #GermanElections #Germany #EU
One of the big takeaways from the German election is just how much more engaged German voters are than Irish voters.
Yesterday, Germany reached a turnout of 83.5% of registered voters. In our General Election last November, we had just 59.7% of registered voters come out to vote.
#Ireland #Irish #Democracy #IrishElections #PostalVote #MoreDemocracy #DemocraticReform #ElectoralReform #RightToVote #VoteAbroad #IrishDemocracy #GermanElections #Germany #EU
I realise I never did a re-#introduction after moving to my bespoke, artisanal instance. So here it is!
I'm a soon-graduating PhD student at #UBC Biomedical Engineering with a research focus on #imaging, #biomechanics and #simulation of rare pediatric hip disorders like #perthes disease.
My other interests are all over the place: #urbanism, #classiccars, #retrocomputing, #electoralreform, #crochet, #music composition, #linux and #fedi and more I'll probably add as I remember!
Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles spoke about proportional representation at the TMU Democracy Forum on Feb 5.
#onpoli #ElectoralReform #ProportionalRepresentation
Foreign interference in U.K. elections
I do hope this is not going to go away. Funding reform is long overdue but the major parties are reluctant to act while they keep their noses in the trough.
Limits to individual donations in the U.K. need to be brought in as well.
#PoliticalFunding #electoralReform #UkPolitics #Corruption #undueInfluence
Labour and foreign donors
The article is somewhat more nuanced than the title, #Labour have demonstrated, along with the #Tories and to a very much lesser extent the Lib Dums that they owe foreign donors for their parties - come on Starmer, what the fuck are you selling? I assume that unlike the Tories, selling the UK to the Russians is de rigeur - been there, done that.
#FPTP gives these bastards a chokehold. End it now.
Lessons from Ireland: How the country’s electoral system would strengthen Canadian democracy #electoralreform #Canada #democracy #Ireland #proportionalrepresentation #firstpastthepost #elections https://theconversation.com/lessons-from-ireland-how-the-countrys-electoral-system-would-strengthen-canadian-democracy-247541?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=bylinetwitterbutton
There's a debate on proportional representation coming up in Westminster soon!! https://www.parliament.uk/business/news/2025/january/coming-up-in-the-commons-27-31-january/ This Thurs 30th Jan.
You can use https://www.writetothem.com to find your MP by postcode and then send an email. Even a very brief email is enough, something like:
"I hope you will attend Thursday's debate on proportional representation in Westminster, and speak in favour."
You can add more if you want, of course. :)
"this #Trudeau failure is an opportunity for Jagmeet Singh and the #NDP to become the outspoken champions of #electoralreform." https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/the-ndp-must-fulfill-justin-trudeaus-broken-promise-on-electoral-reform
I think I basically agree with this framing.
"And yet, when Trudeau first torpedoed the idea in 2017, he said it was because Canadians were undecided about what kind of voting system they preferred.
Trudeau might have more accurately said 'I didn’t get what I wanted.'"
The Liberals have been dangling #ElectoralReform in front of voters since 1923. There have been at least a dozen studies on PR since 1960, and several Citizens Assemblies (although at the provincial level). By 2015 the time for study and reflection was over, and it was appropriate for the ERRE commission to make a decision.
Which they did.
Then the Liberal government made a unilateral decision to ignore the report and act counter to the will of the voters.