I see that Trudeau now “regrets” not passing electoral reform — but goes on to say how great it would have been if voters could make second and third choices on the ballot. FFS.
The reason Trudeau reneged on his promise of reform was exactly this: during the massive public consultation phase, there was overwhelming majority support for some form of proportional representation (something like 80% of participants preferred it). A PR system could ensure that every vote counted, and that parliamentary power matched public sentiment. It would keep extremists in check.
Trudeau favoured rank-choice ballots, which by nature strongly favour centrist parties (who will be the second choice of both right and left supporters), and would therefore give an unfair advantage to his Liberal Party. When the public consultation result didn’t match his preferred outcome, he pulled the plug, falsely claiming “there was no consensus”. Bitch, PR had twice the support your government did.
Even though I predicted exactly this outcome, it still enraged me. We get so few chances to make these kinds of changes, and that time everything needed was in place: a clear mandate plus majority power. But he chose party over country, and now we all get to pay for it.