I am so grateful to have a place to make and nurture a garden.
#grateful #MyJoyfulPlace #gardening #flowers #Bloomscrolling #Rumi The #payingattention
I am so grateful to have a place to make and nurture a garden.
#grateful #MyJoyfulPlace #gardening #flowers #Bloomscrolling #Rumi The #payingattention
“And speaking of stones, what about
The little ones you can
Hold in your hands, their heartbeats
So secret, so hidden it may take years
Before, finally, you hear them?”
-Mary Oliver
I have had a bunch of the same pairs of boot socks for a couple years. Was spending time with family today and had removed my boots at the door ( #midwest ), and someone pointed out that both my socks had a letter R on them. Apparently these socks have left and right feet indicators! And I was wearing two Rs because I literally never noticed
Autumn is in the breeze today, some of the garden’s flowers are beginning to quiet down…but the fading petals of the Echinaceas still enchant….
Good morning, friends.
7 August 2024
Well, my fence is clean, today somebody is coming to repair the door on my small garage where I keep my lawn mower, motorcycle, tools, yada yada yada, and there is some storage. The repair of the garage is a self-created expanse, I ran into the bottom of the door with the Topp of my rollbar while backing my lawn mower into the garage. It misaligned the bottom rollers and gaggled up the cables on both sides, so I had to loosed both roller wheels, which took the tension out of the tension-spring. Messing with the tension-spring is not something that I want to do - it can be dangerous. So, I'm paying for my lack of attention.
"The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way." - Keanu Reeves
The shady nook of the deck garden has become a bit “jungle-y”…stepping barefoot through lush chartreuse potato vine is a lovely thing…
#MyJoyfulPlace #BloomScrolling #barefoot
#urbanGardens #FlowerPhotography #flowers #payingattention #foliage #ShadeGarden #pathways
Beauty found not only in bloom color…it is there in flower and leaf edges too…
#MyJoyfulPlace #BloomScrolling #gardening #MorningMoment
#urbanGardens #FlowerPhotography #flowers #payingattention #foliage
The RED week #ColourChallenge, begun by @stevenlawson
Is it OK to have a least favorite color? In other words, this week was a real challenge for me!!
#RED #SeeingThingsInDifferentWays
#payingattention #Brooklyn #doors #UrbanPhotography
I’ve recently been going through my photo library and creating color collages…and also discovered the @stevenlawson #ColourChallenge …
#color #Photography #BloomScrolling #NewWaysOfLooking #collage #payingattention
“If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for a moment.”
-Georgia O’Keefe
Oops, forgot #TulipTuesday, but I think we can agree that they are magnificent on any day of the week.
…homage to Mark Rothko…or Atlantic Ocean rain storm viewed through a water spattered window…
The workshop/home of Portuguese sculptor José de Oliveria Ferreira.
-photo via studio magGA
And taken this morning…the same zinnia as in previous post, fading to powder-pink…brushed by silky, silvery-rose grass plumes.
Paying attention to a single flower can bring such wonder.
Late afternoon and then early evening… watching a duo of delicious Moonflowers unveil their beauty and fragrance…swoon.
#fragrance #Moonflower #gardening #Bloomscrolling #FlowerPhotography #PayingAttention #MyJoyfulPlace
EDIT: Oops, sorry…forgot to add alt text. Fixed it.
Sometimes I forget to look closely in my garden…a tiny blossom on a Lantana plant (lower left) reveals a wondrous mandala of warm lilac and cream…