@InsurgoFormica the rape culture does not fix itself.
@InsurgoFormica the rape culture does not fix itself.
@Alpha1Nine gee Australians are realising Dutton would turn the country into a US Republican-style hellscape.
There is no requirement to relinquish citizenship when becoming a naturalised Australian so this law would allow him to effectively deport nearly a quarter of the population.
@InsurgoFormica once a racist, always a fascist. Dutton would randomly adopt US laws instead of having to think for himself.
He wants to remake Australia in the image of Trumps USA. He belongs in the US Republican Party not here.
We can live without his misogyny, racism and violence.
Fuck Dutton and the LNP.
#AustraliaInstitute #auspol Mythical shortages and a manufactured “crisis” – How the gas industry uses AEMO data to trick Australians Read more…https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/mythical-shortages-and-a-manufactured-crisis-how-the-gas-industry-uses-aemo-data-to-trick-australians/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mythical-shortages-and-a-manufactured-crisis-how-the-gas-industry-uses-aemo-data-to-trick-australians
#AustraliaInstitute #auspol Mythical shortages and a manufactured “crisis” – How the gas industry uses AEMO data to trick Australians Read more…https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/mythical-shortages-and-a-manufactured-crisis-how-the-gas-industry-uses-aemo-data-to-trick-australians/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mythical-shortages-and-a-manufactured-crisis-how-the-gas-industry-uses-aemo-data-to-trick-australians
Bad advice – which hasn’t aged well - The Australia Institute #AusPol
Slightly reassuring article. Argues that Australian voters - rather than reaching for a Trump-like character - are already pushing change by increasingly voting against both major parties.
"We are about to go into the second election in a row in which – if nothing changes – two small-target leaders meet each other. Should either expect their vote to grow significantly?
"In recent weeks, there has been much focus on whether Dutton is our Trump figure. But it is possible this obscures the possibility that, in Australian political terms, our independents and minor parties are the real Trump, allowing voters a way to genuinely challenge the status quo.
"In this context, the rapid rise of the teals is perhaps most interesting. Not because they are anything like Trump in temperament or policy, but because their appeal to Australians depends on not being part of the system. They are a very different proposition from Trump – but then in many ways Australia is a very different place. A more moderate place, in which extremes rarely triumph."
#auspol #USpol https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/trump-and-the-teals-have-a-lot-in-common-20250316-p5ljxw.html
This is more positive, lets hope the trend continues #AusPol
Gains for Labor as it leads in three of past five polls
#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Why build nuclear power in place of old coal, when you could have pumped hydropower instead? Read more…https://theconversation.com/why-build-nuclear-power-in-place-of-old-coal-when-you-could-have-pumped-hydropower-instead-252017
#TheConversation #auspol Local newspapers are a lifeline in Ukraine, but USAID cuts may force many to close or become biased mouthpieces Read more…https://theconversation.com/local-newspapers-are-a-lifeline-in-ukraine-but-usaid-cuts-may-force-many-to-close-or-become-biased-mouthpieces-250917
#TheConversation #Science #Tech #auspol Less than 1% of the world’s biggest radio telescope is complete – but its first image reveals a sky dotted with ancient galaxies Read more…https://theconversation.com/less-than-1-of-the-worlds-biggest-radio-telescope-is-complete-but-its-first-image-reveals-a-sky-dotted-with-ancient-galaxies-252382
#TheConversation #Science #Tech #auspol Scientific misconduct is on the rise. But what exactly is it? Read more…https://theconversation.com/scientific-misconduct-is-on-the-rise-but-what-exactly-is-it-247352
Transnational repression in the suburbs of Melbourne. Australian citizen and Hong Kong democracy advocate targeted by letter offering HK$1 million reward
Juice Media: "Minority government"
Australia's preferential system enables voters to number their favourite parties in order on their ballot and put autocratic parties last.
If a voter's Number 1 party doesn't win, that vote passes to their 2nd choice. In other words, voters" choices are not "wasted".
"Thanks to our awesome preferential voting system"
#AusPol #USPol #AustralianElection #MultiPartyGovernment #MinorityGovernment #PreferentialVoting .