"Lost trust? A lost future!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Let's talk about trust - or rather, the lack of it.
Somewhere along the way, I came across the 2025 Edelman Trust Barometer 2025 - it's worth a look.
The fact is, it's a pretty depressing read! They call it a crisis of grievance. As I've been saying - that tracks.
What are the findings? 3 key facts.
Fact 1: Majority hold grievances against government, business, and the rich
Sixty-one percent globally have a moderate or high sense of grievance, which is defined by a belief that government and business make their lives harder and serve narrow interests, and wealthy people benefit unfairly from the system.
Fact 2: Widespread grievance is eroding trust across the board
Those with a high sense of grievance distrust all four institutions (business, government, media, and NGOs).
Fact 3: Hostile activism is seen as a legitimate tool to drive change
To bring about change, 4 in 10 would approve of one or more of the following forms of hostile activism: attacking people online, intentionally spreading disinformation, threatening or committing violence, damaging public or private property. This sentiment is most prevalent among respondents ages 18-34 (53 percent approve of at least one).
The report makes plain that over a decade of crises have helped to fuel this crisis of grievance.
So where does it leave us? We are witnessing nothing short of a societal transformation – one driven by a profound crisis of grievance that threatens to reshape our institutions, our economy, and our very future! And we all know we are living through this in real-time, since we know that a mindset of grievance is driving a lot of the change swirling around us right now.
What can we conclude? Several things. Keep reading!
**#Trust** **#Grievance** **#Inequality** **#Activism** **#Future** **#Leadership** **#Change** **#Economy** **#Institutions** **#Transformation**
Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2025/03/daily-inspiration-the-acceleration-of-grievance-lost-trust-a-lost-future/