Unadvertised features to our new washer and dryer: they're "smart"! If you download the app (which wants your contacts, your location, and your physical activity data, along with necessary things like access to Bluetooth) and create an account (required: using only email addresses that don't restrict tracking and only using a browser that does the same) you can get a notification when it's done.
I made it to the future for this?
TRIGGER WARNING: Military Psychology
DATE: February 27, 2025 at 08:13AM
Direct article link at end of text block below.
Don't miss this fantastic PMI workshop at CDP's EBP Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares! A full day of training with CE's for just $20. Register today!
#ebpconference #cbt #nightmares #military #mentalhealthconference #cdp #psychology https://t.co/EtFKZHV6rS
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Not a large sample size by any means, but I was shocked to see that some people never or rarely have nightmares? What do you mean, you just go to sleep and like…wake up rested and not tormented by the ghosts of your thoughts? Impressive!
#goodmorning slept not very good, had nightmares. #nightmares #sleeping #cats #actuallyautistic #plushies
holy hell
#cooking #"cooking" #nightmares #vintage #no #JustNo
Mossad to IDF: “Don't post your genocidal acts on social media. Your vacation will turn into a nightmare”
#QueenElizabeth never visited #Israel, and considered Israelis terrorists or children of terrorists. She was correct.
Fingers crossed all their #vacations will forever be #nightmares!
Trump (the bob) using mandate echoes UK Tory rule under BoJo (the clown)
#Nightmares #USPol #Trump #BigOrangeBaby
Georgia Schreiner's performance reading of Dana Gioia's poem, "Insomnia".
#GeorgiaSchreiner #Poetry #Poem #Poet #Octobereen #TheUncanny #Literature
#Art #Nightmares #Performance #Insomnia #PoetryReading #DanaGioia #WeirdPoetry
Dana Gioia: "The Stars Now Rearrange Themselves"
#Poetry #Poem #Poet #Octobereen #TheUncanny #Literature #HighStrangeness #Art #Nightmares #Performance #PoetryReading #DanaGioia
Metamorphoses of a Vampire by Charles Baudelaire (read by Tom O'Bedlam)
#Vampire #CharlesBaudelaire #PoetryInTranslation #Poetry #Poem #Poet #Octobereen #Halloween #Vampires #Folklore #Nightmares #Literature #Art #Performance #PoetryReading #PoemsForHalloween
@purplepadma For the same reason I would not recommend watching "The Day After," which was filmed in my home city. #Nightmares #WorldWar3
“We hope that the #NewOrleans #Police Dpt takes this #verdict as a wake up call & ensures that no other officer uses the #privilege of their #badge & uniform to #SexuallyAbuse members of our community,” said Nicole’s atty, William Most.
In emotional testimony this wk, Nicole described the lasting impact of the #abuse she endured in 2020: #disdain for the parts of her body #Vicknair told her he liked, #nightmares in which his arms wrap around her & #fear of even seeing a police cruiser drive by.
“I have such terrible dreams; it is something awful. And before I fall asleep, as soon as I close my eyes, I dream I fall, so I wake up with such fear, and when I do fall asleep I have such terrible dreams, I can never find my way. I am always wandering. I ask how to get to my house. I never know how to get home at all. [...] it is such a funny place, hills and everything, and I could not explain.”
-Eva Elenkrig in her court testimony, 1922 (subject of my current zine project)
"Remember not to feed them after midnight"
(what gives Stephen King Nightmares?)
How have I never seen this movie? #TheBishopofBattle from the movie #Nightmares?!? Tons of #retrogaming #arcade glory in it. Also a young Emilio Estevez in it too. #movies https://bava.tv/w/c0e8507c-b3d9-4791-b839-4395a86b9af7
Vivid nightmares precede lupus diagnosis by over a year in some patients
https://www.livescience.com/health/mind/vivid-nightmares-precede-lupus-diagnosis-by-over-a-year-in-some-patients #health #lupus #dreams #nightmares #flare #diagnosis #uptick #Neuropsychiatric #symptoms #rheumatology
How James Hetfield Learned to Live With His Pre-Tour Nightmares
James Hetfield said he dreams about no one else caring about Metallica shows, absent roadies and rubber guitars before he hits the road in May 2024.
Nightmares May Have an Eerie Link to Autoimmune Disease
#health #psychology #Nightmares #Autoimmune #Disease #lupus #SLE